Anyone for FLUSH?>?? Caution: Exceeds Baller Quotient for Today.

Exactly, just a little good ole natured fun!!!

I’d rather be fun than cool!!!

Seriously, on an unrelated rant…why is it that people feel the need to be viewed as cool? Or feel that smiling at people is uncool?

What happened to not giving a fuck what someone wants to do to their car and judge someone by their choice of car accessories. Why is it that if you have $$$$$ parts on your car, you are automatically cool and the cool kids wanna be your friend.

SMILE MORE! LAUGH MORE! JOKE A LITTLE MORE!!! There’s more to life than impressing your JAY DEE EMMMM tight forum buddies. (cuz if you think about it…you’re TRYING TO IMPRESS ANOTHER DUDE!!!..)

Sorry, completely random rant…sorry.

yoo cool for this school. peas and carrots…holla!