Anyone for FLUSH?>?? Caution: Exceeds Baller Quotient for Today.

Don’t act like you’ve never done it Gupreet!

And wtf dude, who cares what you think is flush (not in an insult kind of way), this is just a thread for jokes.

Why can’t people just look at this and enjoy the fact that Fiddy and everyone is just enjoying their time? Why must everything be so serious? Who are you trying to impress by saying “I think”, “That’s not flush this is”, or “Your stupid, I’m not”?

I don’t understand the whole misconception here. THEY ARE JUST FUCKING AROUND!


Yes some people understand and grasp that concept here, but for some reason you see the same people over and over again beating their hearts out to prove themselves on this forum…why? Your achieving nothing by doing it other than a post count.

Have some gawd damn fun.
