Anyone for FLUSH?>?? Caution: Exceeds Baller Quotient for Today.

I was thinking the exact same thing - I love the fragile ego’s and attitudes.

awesome track! and I mean music track.

YO taht shit is SOOOOO JAY+dee+EhMMm TyT3 y0

fuckin flushist shit i eva sawn.

Now THIS is flush.

^That is hot lol, no really, nice kouki. Clean.

Sorry but this is more flush:

this one is worth more money

^^ fail, i don’t see the 10h

its there dont hate.


+2, FAIL!

LOL what does FLASH gordon have to do with flush?

Fail or maybe we all didn’t get it?

im saying huge fail

If you’re not flush, you’re flash, and that means you’re gay.

ran across that r32 @ kennedy commons the other day…
thing looks too ridiculous… wayy past being clean, my opinion

the thing idles loud as a motherfuker hashaha