Anyone get discounts on hockey jerseys?

I have grown up on hockey and have Lemieux jerseys etc. My friend used to work at a Sports store so he got me decent discounts. Now I want a crosby jersey but i dont want to fork out the full price. Anyone get discounts on that stuff?

i dont know anyone, but i wish i had a friend w/ a discount for as many as i’ve bought.

hockey didn’t exist last year… so jersey sales were halted… now they’re trying to re-coop… no sales to be found.

if you didnt suck so bad maybe you could make a team… and then they would GIVE you a jersey. you wouldnt have to pay for it.

ya when u make a team they give u a crosby jersey manditory :ugh2:

i get them cheaper :booty:

get a sewing machine and make your own.

FYI Mr. Mort
I played inline for Pitt last year and led my team in scoring. And I did get 2 free jerseys. If you would like any lessons anytime let me know… I charge like $50 / hour. But I know you are real bad and I wouldn’t want to empty out your bank account on endless hours of hockey training!

BlkP42E would you be able to get me one?

inline/deck hockey is for pussies. no ice no care.

i have a friend from college selling two of them… one black one white. he wants 260 a piece. i dont know what they normally sell for though, so i have no idea if that is a discount.

20 a piece for crosby jerseys? if so then ill take whichever one rmrider doesnt

just busting your balls ken. :slight_smile: i’ll pass on the lesson though… but thanks

o …was a typo, i assume. 260 isnt anything special. thats what u pay at the arena for an authentic…nevermind

do you guys seriously pay $260 for some jersey?

you’re fucking nuts

apparently that is the retail price… seems a little rich for my blood. but i guess some people do

for authentics. replicas r like 100-160 for a lettered player. i have a bunch


and Mike Lange(?) is a fucking retard.

I like hockey much more than football.

…you also wear a helmet and lick windows… your taste is suspect.

that was only during high school :doh:

I have graduated and no longer wear a helmet :moon: