Anyone going to Carlisle

Hay whats up guys i was just wondering how many of you guys are going to the carlisle car show. Im in poorboyzmotorsports and there a good bit of us going down and i think crux motorsports is meating up with us so i was just seeing if anyone would be interested in driving down with us, we are leaving friday but i dont know exactly what time, i think they are leaving ellwood city around 12 and ill be meating them at the oakmont plaza on the PA turnpike around 1245.

I plan on heading up to the compact show(not taking my car) and the ford show.

I might drive up for the day, not sure yet.

whens carlise?

i plan on going to All Truck Nationals

The May 18th and 19th correct? We are going as a car club to that one. It’s the Import and Kit Car Nationals. 250+ cars…1/8 drag and an autocross… It’s a good time. We would like to get 25 cars together so we can get a free tent! What do you think?

im not 100% sure but i do think that is the one this will be my first year going ill talk to them and make sure, but ya that would def. be sweet to do that.

hopefully i get my truck by august so i can go out there also for the weekend.

for truck nats ?

and details on the truck u are getting mac? :smiley:

Let me know, Whitey. I might drive out on Saturday for the day. Not feeling like a weekend this year.

I thikn I’m going to the first one and leaving friday also

Yes let me know and we could combine for one big car train going up there! Imagine sitting outside and seeing 25 modified or rare cars roll by. Makes me feel all tingly inside. A free tent would be cool also and we could make plans to take a grill.

All the Audi/BMW peeps do the Import/Kit Car (the May 18th-19th one). It’s predominantly Euro Imports, but not many VW because Dubs on the Lake is usually same weekend. Very few if any Asian cars last year. The Asian imports usually hit up the other weekend (performance and style the week before). Cool seeing all kinds of Euros, though. Lots of Saabs and Volvos and tons of British stuff. We camp and party like rock stars with 2 big open-air tents and well over 100 Audi’s from old old skhool to the latest, in all models.
Fun times.

I used to have a Viggen. All Imports show up but your right it’s mainly a Euro crowd. I don’t think I’d be shunned for taking my Mitsu…do you? If so I’ll tag a ride. I’d still like to go with a large group.