Calling all Mustang/Ford guys - All Ford Nationals Calisle 2009

So who wants to go?

I know its a long way away, it is Jun 5 - Jun 7, 2009 next year. I was there in 2007 and it was a blast. I figured if we can get a group together to go down with it could be even better.

Friday night is drag racing
Saturday is the huge 1000+ car carshow, burn out contest, bikini contest ect
Sunday is the awards

Would they be mad if i brought my integra?

No, just have to leave it in the parking lot outside of the fairgrounds

it would still be cool to cruise down there, thats what im sayin. plus i like a lot of classic cars, how far away is it approx hours/miles wise?

mapquest says about 5 1/2 hours, 300 miles, I made it in 6 hours each way last time with a stop for food somewhere in the middle.

Kinda starting this early to see if any one is serious about going bec the time to make hotel reservations is in the spring so we would need a head count.

Most of the guys I hang out with have either jumped to the GM camp, or in the process of doing it so I’m wondering how many of you mustang/ford guys would be interested.

I’ll post up some pics of when I went

Oh also, they have a postable dyno there thats like $60 for 2 pulls, I got my old v6 done on sunday morning when I went.

my old man will probably want to go

Here are some of the pics from 2007, I have over 100 in this album if you guy wanna see more…

I’d go if I lived in NY.

im thinking about going, depends on who else is going

I mean I went alone(just me and my dad in my car) last time and ran into the Mach 1 in the 2nd pic that is a local guy I knew from duff’s, we happened to stay at the same hotel. Its a great time, I plan going again this year basically no matter what

I know a bunch of guys from my site that are planning on going for the weekend. Book your hotels now since the rates jump after the new year starts.

well if we can get a head count b4 too long maybe we can make those reservations soon

whose in?

hopefully i get all my work done by then I’d really like to go!

the more stangs the better!!

I went with the Tbird crowd for about five years.

It got to be pretty much the same thing, I haven’t gone in 3 years…

Book your rooms early, they like to charge 125 a night for a shit ass motel around show time.

I’ll bring my 4 door Mustang :smiley:

go for it

where do they have drag racing?

its at a local track near the fairgrounds. I’m not sure where exactly since I didn’t go to the racing the first time bec I had to work on friday before going down, but I believe if you go to their site they say where the track is