So what we gonna do for Carlisle this year?

where we staying, wheres the show going to be at and we gonna try and get a booth or something this year?

which carlisle? sport compact is at harrisburg this year and dont know about what other one

Originally posted by flyinglow57
which carlisle? sport compact is at harrisburg this year and dont know about what other one

which one do you think most of this site would go to :doh:

all GM

or spring carlisle.

alot of peopl fromaround here are goin to harrisburgh, but ive tlaked to soem who are goin to norwalk, i heard th ecomplex it is in in harrisburgh is huge, there was show there thsi past weekend adn i was todl it was pretty good ,couldnt make it up tho,the whoel premisis will be dry and im sure they are goin to be stric up there because of what happened last year…but it shoudl still be pretty fun

I would rather head to the norwalk show. Let me know whats going on though.:smiley:

What dates are they?

Originally posted by dommagicjuan
alot of peopl fromaround here are goin to harrisburgh, but ive tlaked to soem who are goin to norwalk, i heard th ecomplex it is in in harrisburgh is huge, there was show there thsi past weekend adn i was todl it was pretty good ,couldnt make it up tho,the whoel premisis will be dry and im sure they are goin to be stric up there because of what happened last year…but it shoudl still be pretty fun

atleast you " OVALED " the problem :rolleyes:

Originally posted by flyinglow57
which carlisle? sport compact is at harrisburg this year and dont know about what other one
not just spelling is important… so is grammar… :hs:

Originally posted by dommagicjuan
alot of peopl fromaround here are goin to harrisburgh, but ive tlaked to soem who are goin to norwalk, i heard th ecomplex it is in in harrisburgh is huge, there was show there thsi past weekend adn i was todl it was pretty good ,couldnt make it up tho,the whoel premisis will be dry and im sure they are goin to be stric up there because of what happened last year…but it shoudl still be pretty fun

spell check is your friend.

I’d like to go to the norwalk one since I can’t go to the DSM shootout this year :frowning:

I’ll be at Carlisle, but then again ill be at the all-truck nationals the first weekend in August.

sorry about the typing… the harrisbugh show is may 15-16, im not sure on the norwalk dates but i beleive its in june

they are searching ALL CARS for alcohol at the harrisburg show… like the traffic wasnt bad enough already… lol

Well, i guess its easier to do it all at once instead of pulling everyone over one at a time like they have been doing. :rofl:

Originally posted by Darkstar
they are searching ALL CARS for alcohol at the harrisburg show… like the traffic wasnt bad enough already… lol

Well, i guess its easier to do it all at once instead of pulling everyone over one at a time like they have been doing. :rofl:

will they be looking for drugs too? i dont want em to find the ki ill have stashed in my trunk.

There are 9 cars and 13 people from our group going to Harrisburg for this show. And I know 2 or 3 of us are going to the GM Nat’s and I asked Pewter if him and any of his guys were going so we could possibly all get rooms at the same place.

i went to the GM nats last year… i’m trying to go again

Originally posted by S/T Lover
I’ll be at Carlisle, but then again ill be at the all-truck nationals the first weekend in August.

me too. always a lot of nice rides out there for this event.