Anyone Going to Importfest 2012?

Is anyone going this year? I haven’t been in ages, the girls are sometimes nice to look at :stuck_out_tongue: But I’ve chosen to be at Fan Expo this time which I found out is also at the MTCC. Of those going, who is entering their car? (post pics if you are?)

ima be there, not with my car :frowning:

Maybe if I got free tickets… but I can’t justify going to see that much rice and having to pay for it.

I totally forgot that it was this weekend. I’m installing drywall in my basement instead…

i’ve never been.

i’m over car shows.

I agree w/ Bing because he is cool.

I’ll be there manning the CSCS booth and trolling all the girlies.
Come say hi.

im going, mostly cuz its fun loling at ppls cars. Car Troll!!!

i rather get a lap dance. its the same price (25$) and much more… productive.


Ill be there with my car. Come say hi!
