anyone going to lime rock this weekend

You’re a long way from being cool, Mr. Clark. Piss off.

Srsly though, every time I’ve gone up, I’ve went in groups of 3-4 cars/trailers so I didn’t know if anyone was planning on that.

Meow, snippy today.

Don’t make me call the goon squad on you.

I am headed up with my father and brother to meet up with my dads buddy Ron Checca, I guess he has some fancy pants bmw or something. lol

The Checca bros are E30 M3 connoisseurs.

Yeah, he has been friends of the family for a while. He has some srs m3’s! and lots of one off parts I guess. I cant wait.

Love to but promised to help another friend move as he just closed on a house.

I’m down…what time do you plan on leaving?

I think we are bailing… Ronnie said it is snowing there, and tomorrow is rain and a high of 41. Eff that, I have a car to build. have fun freezing your nards off.

I’ve been meaing to ask what Patroons regs are on allowing small ass cars run in the groups with full size/weight vehicles. Meaning SRF against Wagonzilla, 900lbs vs 3000lbs type of shizzle. It’s scary as fuck having your head at door handle height when racing and most cars would even register this little scoot in their mirrors on a straight let alone on the inside of a corner.

Amanda’s put the bug in my ear to possibly finish rebuilding the car this winter/spring and actually run the damn thing a little bit. Brand spanking new drivetrain going to waste in the back of the trailer :shifty

We have SRF’s, S2000’s , Radicals and Stohrs run with us. I have only seen them in the instructor group, never a student group – But yes they run in the same groups as the street cars. ( Biggest is usually an M5)

As far as in the corners --There is the difference. Patroon is a Point-by club --no passes without a point in any student group! Passes only on the straight.

Open track and Instructors are at a higher level --and you will see more aggressive passing, but all passes must be completed before the apex of a corner ( sooner for students).

If we see someone “racing” in a group, we “coach and counsel” them that it is a school and not a competitive event. That does not man Jesse, Jammer and Jon are not driving aggressively through the open track group --but they do have to contend with slow 318ti’s

LOL, ohhh the stories we have…

You’d have no probnlem in a Stohr or Radical or something brutally intangibly fast to a bunch of E30s because they just rocket by and can put the car anywhere on the track and be in control. The SRF is more interesting because there will be 4-5 cars there that are faster than it, meaning you cant just control when you squirt by another car. :ohnoes

Either way, it’s BMWCCA, not NASA so you wont die. Doo it!

We would never!

LOL – I never Said you guys did! – I have to give the official answer of course. ( for at least the next 24-36 hours…)

Ask Harry and Bill Bennett about the Track Control at WGI talking to them.

Actually Gelardi emailed me about modifying the passing rules for Instructors --as GVC and Boston had. I think he was surprised when I told him I had been “flexible” on their rules for a few years.

Essentially no side by side in corners for instructors.

I haven’t been on the radio very often, but has the side by side / get it done by the apex thing ever been an issue? Besides the occasional newbie befuddled that he didnt have to give a point by to a Z06.


Ron Checca?

Ron Bass

Well this is more For Jeff since he is stepping into the control position, but Yes.
Sometimes it is a newbie who is so confused or afraid to make the pass. So you need to nurture them along and nicely explain the way it should work. Usually the instructor has already done that-- but it is also a great learning opportunity for newbies to understand Big Brother (aka Corner workers) really are watching.

Now then you get someone who maybe just got signed off, thinks they are the second coming of ( Insert Senna, Schumacher, Mario etc here) and then you need to be very stern or rip them a new orifice --depends on their reaction ( you need to watch peoples eyes when they come in for a discussion with the BLack Flag Steward/ Chief etc.

Sometimes you need to “ask” them to step out of the car or go back to the paddock --or Grab the Chief instructor to “coach and counsel”

And then there is 4Off at the 90 at WGI. That is always a nice discussion, especially since I have used the pavement a few times.