anyone going to lime rock this weekend

Well as long as Patroon doesn’t mandate arm restraints I can easily do any point bys that may be required. I’ll get the car together then proceed further, but good to know it’s allowed on track. SRF is spread across a dozen different boxes in the back of the trailer at the moment. Won’t take me but a week to slap it together frame wise. Body needs some hardcore work though with flamboyant paint job so everyone can see me spin.

Time for me to put all this new race gear to work instead of it being fucking wall art :shifty

wow that was the best day . it was a awsome car show + you get to see people use there cars for what they were made to do.

great time indeed!

sunny and 35 degrees…suckers. Good day all around

I am amazed at how many people ( 10-12) did not show up. Nice of them to donate to the track fund so the rest of us did not have as much traffic…

I did not see many trains ( of course I was either driving or doing the role play thing) --Were there any?

I only saw one bad one in the Exp/Int group during the 1st or 2nd session but other than that it seemed to flow pretty well.

Very true… I was a lil bummed, but I got the much needed time in over the weekend and got my tranny built and engine/trans back in my jetta build.

Better luck next time.

BTW, 35degrees still suck balls.

Jeez it’s mid 60s here today, brrr.

whatev…were manlier

this sucked really nice guy and a good driver but a couple cars were droping tires in the same spot so there was dirt on the track and he hit the dirt.

any more pics? like wagonzilla?

i didnt know u were there or that u had other cars other than the sti

yeah sorry man, i should’ve introduced myself. I recognized your car from your sig. but I didn’t come over.

is that andy?? and was this recent, cuz the same thing happened to him like 2 or 3 years ago…

im going to make a topic full of the pics.

Damn not Andy! :eek2

Is the car ok?

It was the guy that drives the green rabbit in auto x he is a older man.

Yes it was Andy. He’s ok, the car is close enough to ok. Just some suspension components, right side wheels and some body panels need some massaging.

That sucks. Andy is one of the coolest, nicest guys in the whole racing group. Bad things always happen to the nicest people and it really pisses me off.

And Andy can totally drive like a madman on fire.

I hope the repairs to the integra are swift and inexpensive. :Idiots
