Anyone going to LV this wednesday!? again.

wat? :lol

im goin prolly gonna beat on the truck a little

Woohoo! I’ll probably go next week as well.


I’m on the beach now or id deff go

Dont worry your car will be there

ill be there

I thought about going earlier in the week but then I remembered I had Nickelback tickets for tonight.

Maybe next week.

I’ll be there, but not with my car, i drove too much in the past few days

Im gonna go watch. Hey brett are you gonna be running on slicks?

Whats it matter?:wierd

ehh ima take my car, im leavin now

IT doesnt i just want to know

Well, OT…I should be there after my 2nd shift around 7pm. w00t!

You make no sense

LOLLLLL your sig is funny…

“my 119 trap Cobra keeps up with a 123 trap Cobra”

in that case, my 115.8 trap car keeps up with a 119 trap cobra…

he was having tire/traction issues that night. Even I know it and dont brag about it telling people my car is faster, cause its not.

I thought Dave’s car trapped 116?

when I was at the track running mine, I was trapping 115.8-115.9x and he was trapping 116.1 from what I saw…

\but some how last year it pulled a miracle 119 trap…

do you want me to post the slip?

or are you just getting cocky like always

“my 119 trap cobra keeps up with a 123 trap cobra”

thats cocky, cause it doesnt.

slip or not, if you had a 119 trap car, it would trap it more then once…not just a miracle run with 119 and all the others are 116-117.xx consistently.

but sure, say its a 119 trap car cause it only looks better for me when my 115.9 trap car hangs with it.