Anyone going to LV this wednesday!? again.

I’m going, supposed to be wicked nice. Should be GREAT running up there, probably in the 50s at night. Bring a hoody Sean!!

Ill be there hopefully

you running or what??

Still have to tune the nos fogger system, then I’m gonna run 9s.

Nope. That was the year before …

It’s your fuel map. It’s got a nasty hole.
-That’s why you’re unloading in third.

if i dont have to work im gonna run.

Should be heading up to run Ryan’s supra since he is to afraid to

This one talks a big game.

Run that WRX of yours.

I’ll be running that WRX of mine :wink:

nevermind, change of plans

Not going this week.



like you can talk…

comon drew run it kiddd

Not likely gonna head up

Damn I wish I had my timing belt done by today. Could run my sweet 7th gen stock Accord lol. Ohwell maybe next week

headin up around 5:30 with some goonz.

so how bout that grudge match tonight?
