Anyone have a enclosed car trailer/hauler?

My family is looking at taking our show car to columbus,ohio to have the interior finished. So does anyone have a enclosed trailer we can rent or does anyone here do this on the side for money?

mater or jeff???

Jeff at 1st-Try has a trailer but its not enclosed.

mater or pewter has one. he hauled a car for me from VA before in enclosed trailer. i think he still has it.

can you guys refresh my memory whose screen names those people are?

I’d say a open trailer is ok but this car JUST got out of paint and with a 30k paint job its not worth risking a chance to get chips or anything

Yes we still have a Enclosed trailer as Jeff & Bluls1 has stated …

What kind of car…from Where - Where, when does it NEED to go…you can post or PM me

umm pewter is pewter and solow can make that happen for you (through mater and pewter)

its a 34 ford coupe its going from apollo,pa to a shop in columbus, ohio. it won’t be going for a few more weeks. would you prefer to haul ir or rent us the trailer and we haul it? We got a truck so we could tow it or you can. Just give me a price idea for both options.

aight, i’ll talk with Pewter about it in the AM for you & see what he says

Thanks I won’t know the exact date because we have to go out to their shop first before we risk taking the car out there to make sure its 100% worth it. Thanks. I’ll relay the message as soon as I hear from you guys.

what shop are you taking it to?

$30,000 paint job and can’t buy a enclosed trailer ?
Wow i bet your a bunch of gubbers to deal with

did a ninja edit should of quoted it few days ago.

PM was sent

solow I replied honestly I didn’t get it.

its cool man, i thought the pm’s were acting up thats y i sent another PM & posted in here saying i did…lol

did you reply to my pm? cause I didn’t get it… email me it seems that will work :stuck_out_tongue: