Anyone have a Torch I can borrow?

I need to get my parts tension rod off but it is rusted and seized. Does anybody have one I can borrow or if you want to come and do it for me. I wanna get this fix ASAP. All help is wanted.

And if you happen to have one teardrop you want to get rid of I’ll take that too.

Canadian Tire sells these for like $40 and IMO well worth the investment.

take it to a shop and get them to use the cutting torch to loosen it then do the rest at your house. I did that once they didnt charge me.

ima gonna cut the tension rod out. Then take it to a shop or the school for them to heat up and punch out.

Also is it possible to change a TC Rod Bushing?

ya you can change it but you got to press it in or hammer it in very carfuly.

So with a piece of wood and a rubber mallet? and how do I get it out with out damaging it?

maybe. I have only dont well bearings like that but there meadle. If you need to get it pressed it alot of shops have presses. it takes 30seconds

Could I just press it in with a counter vice?

Or is that for pressing it out?

ya put it in with a vice it should work.

Thanks man I’ll do that tommorow. I wish I had a garage to work in. I was gonna take it off of my car tonite but it decided to rain.