Anyone hear of trouble on cold air intake

Looking to install a cold air intake on a Nissan Altima SE-R 3.5 L, V 6. Wondering if anyone heard of water getting into the engine, or wreaking the engine in anyway. Don’t want to blow the engine and I don’t have another $10,000 for a new one or blow my warranty.

Later and Thanks

I hydrolocked last summer when we had the flooding. Insurance covered it. Haven’t had a problem since.

Get one like I did. It’s a Nismo, and it comes with a small foam filter in the engine bay called a bypass valve. If the end of my CAI piping should be submerged, the engine will draw air through the bypass valve instead of sucking up the water. Just do a search for bypass valve on google and you’ll see what I mean.

Nice choice on car too. :E

what insurance covers this?

yea i wanna know this. free moter for andrew… :partyman: :partyman: :E :E :E :E :E :E :E


What brand of CAI are you looking at?
AEM sells kits with bypass valves.

cai madness …louie was lucky

I don’t remember what clause of my insurance it fell under, but I’m sure it had something to do with the flooding, natural disaster, act of God, whatever you want to call it. I don’t think if I just drove into a random puddle I’d be covered. I was following Mark and Evan to some underground parking to get out of the hail, they made it through a puddle that only looked ~4" deep. Turns out it wasn’t. At least I had some help to push it out.:smiley:

Sweet deal though. I got a brand new engine at 60k, and this new one has never turned one rev with the shitty pre-cat hooked up. It’s still only got 17k on it.

BTW: a brand new QR25DE long block + labour was under 4k.

Get one like I did. It’s a Nismo, and it comes with a small foam filter in the engine bay called a bypass valve. If the end of my CAI piping should be submerged, the engine will draw air through the bypass valve instead of sucking up the water. Just do a search for bypass valve on google and you’ll see what I mean.

I thought you don’t want to use a foam filter because that what causes water to get in. You want to use a card board type filter. Anyone know.


No no, the bypass filter is way up inside the engine compartment. In my case, it’s right behind the battery - you’d have to be a complete moron to get it wet up there.

And yeah, any reputable (ie, non-ebay) CAI manufacturer should give you the option of putting a bypass valve in your CAI. I find the peace of mind well worth it.

Let’s all remember Ebay is a marketplace not a brand.

What I meant to say what, Ebay seller knock offs of real parts. This is particularily rampant in the CAI end of the aftermarket - not all CAI’s are created equal.