“Nappy headed hoes” is definitely a racist remark.
How is this remark racist? It has no bearing on race or skin color but does refer to the “Hair” of some person. This is NOT a racist comment by any means. That stink was taken whaaaay out of context.
same reason you don’t see mutilated bodies and death and destruction from Iraq and Afghanistan on the national news - the news shows you what the government wants you to see - What other governments in 20th century history did that?
i wish i was a nappy head ho, so somebody would feel for me…, but being a public “figure” and call some one a name…< what they did.
I agree. it was a rude and unnecessary comment. But it was not racist. The reason everyone is saying this was a racist comment is because it was aimed at afo-American women. If the comment would have been made towards an all white group of females, this would have never been an issue. Afro-Americans have been using race to create controversy from the beginning of time.
The PC politics and news media in this country are a pathetic joke.
Fucking nappy headed Hoes got a week of prime time news because grimy Al Sharpton ceated a stink.
Its a sad day when white people have to fear standing up for their rights and dignity to be Politically Correct.
you dont even know if this is a racially motivated situation, same goes for you, misteroman, or any one else who has jumped on the im sure it was racially motivated bandwagon. It was a horific incident that is without question, but what other than the fact that the victims were white attackers were black says racially motivated. This was a car jacking since when are car jackings racially motivated?
Further more you are getting mad because this wasnt broadcast over national airwaves so your kids or your families can enjoy this:gotme:?
It is wrong if a black person uses the race card yet you are pissed because a white person isnt using the race card:bloated: something in that doesnt seem to make sense.
regardless it is a very tragic situation no matter who it happens to and those responsible will suffer the consequences of their actions
This was a car jacking since when are car jackings racially motivated?
did we all forget how to read an article in the news or on wiki? it was premeditated, they didnt want the car. they wanted to rape, torture and murder people knowing that going into it end of story. read the article
did we all forget how to read an article in the news or on wiki? it was premeditated, they didnt want the car. they wanted to rape, torture and murder people knowing that going into it end of story. read the article
Forgive me for not knowing how to read, but where did it say that it was racially motivated?
When i mentioned race i wasn’t stating anything about this crime being ratially motivated. I just think the media stayed away from this crime because of racial issues. If anyone tried to make this a huge story peopole would go after them calling them a racist. It’s too touchy of a subject for anyone important to even try to comment on.
snip This was a car jacking since when are car jackings racially motivated?
Just when I thought you made a good post in a thread about racism
That might have been true untill the part when it said they both were raped, had their penis/breast cut off and murdered in the first paragraph. Did you see the part where it said they gang raped her for 4 days? That kinda jumped out at me. I actually didnt even see the part about a carjacking.
Just when I thought you made a good post in a thread about racism
That might have been true untill the part when it said they both were raped, had their penis/breast cut off and murdered in the first paragraph. Did you see the part where it said they gang raped her for 4 days? That kinda jumped out at me. I actually didnt even see the part about a carjacking.
I never disputed that this wasnt premeditated or wasnt gruesome im just stating the fact that it was something that started as a car jacking and at what point are those racially motivatied???
People are fucked up wether or not they are white, black, or purple it would seem as though the victims were victims or circumstance not race that is all…that is my whole point.