I am about to pull the trigger on a tune for my touareg. Is there anyone on here that has one with a tune I could ride in to help push me in one direction or another with it. I also want to compare the power delivery to my truck to make sure mine is not already tuned.
I have one that’s stock. I’d be curious to see what the tune is like if you decide to go that route.
You two should race, just to make sure they are both stock…
I am in. You want to run?
I approve this race only if trailers are involved.
You guys should pull 747s
I came in here to post that somedude has one.
leaving now.
I have two trailers. I raced a a6 once while towing a jetta and one.
A Jetta and one what?
Oh wow. I did that.
So when can we line they up?
I want to see this. I have always liked these and I am thinking about getting one.
Any time is good for me.
When do you yet out of work. You can meet me and justins shop and we can make a pull
yes… nothing like a little vag on vag suv hate
What weighs 12000lbs and sounds like a wale call
Sorry first day with my new phone on. The interwebs
I will be at justins shop on Fletcher. If you want to make a run today