Anyone here work at a machine shop?

I need exhaust flanges made…around 10 would be perfect for starters.

Stainless preferred.

PM me for details.

No one makes the configuration you need?

laser cut FTW.

low run CNC flanges in 3/8 SS will be expensive. if you are looking to make money on this venture… good luck, you will probably be paying over 50 bucks per flange…

newman: you are right it seems. I can’t find anything cheaper then 66 bucks, and I don’t know where I can find “water cut” or whatever (apparently cheaper).

walter: can’t seem to find vw 4 bolt exhaust flanges for downpipes anywhere : /

so cut all urs off an make them 2 bolt

emachineshop? lol

Even then it’s still 60 plus for lazour cut.

search online? there’s got to be someone that mass produces them.

make urs all universal

Hmm - Ask our new sponsor - AWDrifter

That would be Abrasive Waterjet. It is fast to set up and cuts fairly well. Never looked for AWJ jobshops so I don’t know whats out there.

word. i was just gonna say this dude runs his own manufacturing company

i had some brass pieces cut for a job at work. The were small, but the final cost was only .50 per.

He does good work too. We buy some slick little aluminum cylinders with pressed end caps from him. I have yet to see one that wasn’t flawless. Good price too. :tup:

the problem is that this is a turbo downpipe flange, and stock turbo is a 4-bolt seemingly proprietary flange. So converting to a universal flange isn’t much of an option if the product is to be sold as a bolt-on for stock turbo. :slight_smile:

umm ATP tubro has alot of solutions for converting turbo DP’s

paging focusinprogress …

There are a few laser companies around. . . the thing thats going to cost money would be the clean up IMO. You could either put the parts into a tumbler or the other choice would be to have a human debur them.

There is a company out in Wilson on Ide Rd. that does water jet (Nuclear Alloy). Also a few Laser companies I can think of off the top of my head: L&S Metals in NT (my work), Perceision Process in NF, Laser Concepts in Lockport.

I think our shop rate is something like $50ish an hour, laser time is more expensive, something like $120 an hour (if someone has to stand at the machine and baby sit it).

Hopefully this helps you- We have made car parts for a few people / companies around the area. We’ve made head gaskets for a Hemi thats suppose to be going for the Ridler award. :gotme:

those of you that said convert to universal, or see who manufactures them, trust me I have already done the research.

we’ve looked into awddrifter and he is our choice right now, but we have to check all options.

newman, would you mind pming me the place that did the brass pieces for you? I know a few people are looking for that kind of work so itd be appreciated.

thanks so far guys!

Water jet will much be better for this application than laser. You could also have them EDM’d.

No reason to have it be anywhere local, go on the intra web nets. Find shop, send DXF, recieve quote, go from there.

You work at L&S Metals? I just sold them a fax machine, seems like a nice company to work for.

Looks like they do great work also, the metal sample pieces in the front office are nicely done.