Anyone in Blasdell/Hamburg area?

yes. creepy right?

I just had to bump this because it’s so sweet.

no really she is. she’s fucking HUUUUGE!!!

PS i try to give at least one girl an eating disorder each week.



wow this thread is nuts… now i got a headache too and im hungry… fuzzy bring me some food

Negative, if that happened the internets would have burst by now.

+1 to fuzz for delivering

-100 for no buttsecks


Well :tup: for being awesome and delivering some foodz to feed the dawn

Fuzzys a good man, deliver food, not taking advantage of a lady in need, :tup: to being a gentleman. It’s just too bad that actions like that never pay off in the long run. Trust me I know :stuck_out_tongue:



Damn I missed this whole thing last night… good pics

i was up sick last night and i didnt go on nyspeed this thread is hysterical.


Ain’t that the truth, was a good way to burn 3+ hours though. :tup:

It’s never going to work with me. I’m not a stupid retard with low self esteem. I’m just the stupid retard part. <3

this was a good read haha.

:tup: to the Fuzz


Hahha guess not

Bump for this thread still delivering the laughs, even with half the pics dead. :rofl:

(I was looking for the picard pic)

Figures. I’m eating food right now.