Anyone in Blasdell/Hamburg area?

i so fucking win.

I am awesome.



Funny Faces!

The Boondock Saints at the Ritz!

lol. you actually did it. rock the fuck on!

This thread is going to explode in the morning. I’m so going to need it to keep my ass awake. :lol:

I can’t believe this fucking thread is 7 pages.

Fuzzy am sexing it up like the pimp in the rEX

ok this thread was definately a good read, however @ work some things were a No-No. Haha

totally agree with devin…this thread should be pretty funny to read when i wake back up at 3pm.hahahaha

Fuz man rockin out.

You’re not that fat. :gotme:

The girl isn’t fat at all. Normal.

:word: T’was a lame attempt at sarcasm because, judging from the picture, she’s obviously not fat at all.

I don’t know why but I giggle every time I see that OMFGOGGLES picture. :mamoru:

So did anyone have teh secks?


wait there is actually girls on this forum, huh who knew

just went through that area…to bad i cought this after i got home

wait a sec.

dawn, you were at my house last night?


5 star thread.

haha. wow.