Anyone in EA wanna make $100?

Some lady in my office needs to get some like workout device put together before xmas…

Ill do it. LMK where/when

ea= east amherst?

East Aurora


im available whenever. Ill PM you my number…

carl wins the prize.

this lady isn’t that bright…I’m not joking when I say she came into my office the other day and this was the conversation

her “my email isn’t working”
me " :shrug: oook"

walks in to her office…

me “well, you have to open up outlook”
her “what’s outlook” :wiggle:
me " :uhh: the email program"
her “oh, how do I do that”
me “click the OUTLOOK icon on your desktop…twice, quickly” :slight_smile:
her “desktop?”
me :eyebrow: :uhh: :cry: :banghead: :tdown:

I left.

We really need to hire someone in house to do IT work, being the defacto help desk blows

wow. Im actually going to get $100 for what will probably take me like 30mins…


Haha, or it could take like 3 hours. Some of them things are brutal to put together. :stuck_out_tongue:

not to mention it takes a half hour each way to get there

That was kinda hilarious…sounds like my job

why dont you put it together, then just have her pay you in sex or someting like that…

same here lol

"OMG i can print without being connected to the internet… "
“yes ma’am”


I can’t turn on my computer while we’re on the phone, Im on dial-up…choke

whateves. My time is worthless to me…

when you go to her house and knock on the door… say that, “Im here for the FIESTA”




i dont know about you, but $100 for 2 hours of work sounds like a great deal to me :stuck_out_tongue: i don’t know anyone who’d pass up $50/hr

now imagine that type of call about 44 times a day and thats my typical day… sigh

I know man. Try like 1200 per month… argh, i need a new job. Just glad I dont have to talk to them anymore.

4.5hrs, $120 + a glass of water…

I made out pretty good. Plus it was super easy…