Anyone in UB's MBA program?


Good Job

:clap: :clap:


Congrats! And trust me, I don’t think English is a requirement :lol:

good job buddy…

(3:02:22 PM) zg326: if he [Dave Frasier] was wearing a hat with a hoop attached to it i don’t think I coudl dunk

UB MBA is all group work. Can be good or bad

your all group work…but seriously I need to go talk to the MBA guys at UB

In my personal experience with said group work, it was

  1. bad, because my group sucked ass
  2. good, because it teaches you how to deal with all different types of people (they put you in groups to make sure that everyone has different backgrounds). This is the most valuable part of the whole group experience.

I hate people who are different

Me to they suck.

OK it looks like the deal is sealed.

I would advise against an accounting class from Professor Myungsun Kim. She’s a nice lady and she knows her stuff, but…

Her lectures are extremely convoluted. She will talk about something for an hour, and then mention that we don’t need to know it and it’s not on the test. Sometimes she will warn us of that before she goes off on a tangent for half the class, that way we are sure to gloss over and gain nothing from the lecture. Hell, the last lecture of the semester (when we’re under a heavy time crunch to cover all of the course material) she spent half an hour teaching something, and ended with “but this won’t be on your final next week.” The class flipped. So her lectures are difficult to get anything out of.

I know of a few students who gave up on trying to ask her questions. She doesn’t always seem to be able to understand what is being asked.

Finally, as a result of the above poor lectures and language barrier, many of the students formed study groups and worked together to learn the material while completing work. She claims to have orally specified that there should be no intergroup discussion at all of the final project. I don’t remember that. Nobody does. It’s not in writing.

So we often asked questions of other groups, as this was one of our best resources for learning the material. 6 of the groups in the class, nearly half the class, were accused of cheating due to excessive overlap of the projects. She took 30 points off the project, or 4.5% off of my final grade. There may or may not be a permanent notation on my record.

I was in UB’s engineering school for 4.5 years. I was a University Honors Scholar. I am an annual guest speaker at the Engineering Career Institute. I have never had my integrity questioned. Yet at the first semester of MBA school, a collaborative group work based program, I get hit with this?

And of course Dean Krystofiak was involved, so I’m sure we’re all permanently on his shit list now.

Several of my classmates are probably going to transfer to Canisius.

:tup: if they can afford it or are getting it paid for. just got my final semester’s final grades today from there