Anyone into death or black metal?


or basically anything heavier than Metallica, Pantera, Megadeth and Slayer


Well the bands you listed are all thrash metal. Pantera actually I’m not sure where they are on the metal spectrum.

You could go really heavy into the death grind spectrum - and try Cannibal Corpse, Job for a cowboy and Aborted, I personally Prefer Aborted since they are a little more fast paced and pretty groovy at times. If thats not enough there is always Regurgitate.

If you don’t care for the grinds and what to stay more into the black metal area there is Into eternity, Opeth, Blood bath(Opeth but more black).

Then there is always the other side of it where it drifts towards hardcore more (which i love)

3 inches of Blood - Power metal with a hint of thrashcore
Old, All that remains - Just awesomeness
Bleeding through - Gothic metalcore - Early albums are nasty and just awesome This love is murderous is pretty fucking brutal, anyhting newer than TLIM kind of suck.
Unearth - Thrashcore
War of Ages - Christian holy shit I can’t believe the devil doesn’t possess them metalcore

Throw those bands into Pandora, and you will come up with something…

I really don’t know how you could want something heavier than Slayer you need to listen through all of their albums, God hates us all is just fucking awesome.