Anyone into overclocking?

I have reciently gotten into this, I just ordered some new fans and I’m going to see how far I can push this thing tonight. Any tips? I’m running a AMD 64 3000+ @ 2.155 right now… gonna try for 2.2 with some voltage ups, I got 1.5gb of corsair valueselect ddr400.

Anyone else do any overclocking?

ive been doing it since the celeron c300

amd 3700+ (2.2ghz) had it up to 2.9ghz, sits at 2.5 to 2.6 now

3000+ is probably gonna be really hot but going from 2.155 to 2.2 its not really worth it… i really don’t even think you’ll need to up any voltage

also for over clocking… don’t cheap out on the ram or the mobo…

I haven’t done it in a long while… but I was the first person I knew of that had a Pentium II ‘450’ :mamoru:
Then there was my dual PII ‘550’ server (I think I user Celeron 366’s, I can’t remember).

i remember when you could over clock like 2x faster… and they threw out some serious fucking heat :slight_smile:

i think i had a pentium 75mhz OC’d to 150ish… i don’t remember… the exacts to that though

I opened up some pipelines and overclocked my video card with great results! :tup: Never really messed with my processor.

which card do you have?

im only at 43C under max load right now… I think i have some room still

i have a P4 630 which is a prescott core with HT @ 3GHz. prescotts are known to run real hot, so i decided to water cool both it, and my ATI X800XL. with the water cooling i was pulling temps around 35C idle and about 45C under full load so i decided to overclock :slight_smile: i think the max i had it at was 3.95GHz(i have a screen shot) and it stayed under 50C. it was pretty freaking fast but a little unstable so i had it goin at 3.6 for a while…recently the water cooling took a crap and now its sittin at 3.2 with a nice zalman heatsink on it. overclocking = fun times :tup:

Ive been doing over clocking for a few years now. have been playing with water cooling for a while now too. just recently got a new system. specs:

Pentium 4 at 3.3 GHZ with hyper threading
2 Gigs of Corsair ram
Two Nvidia FX3400/4400’s in SLI mode
2 raptor HD’s using SATA

It has a custom water cooled system using innovatek blocks, there are 2 radiators, one has 3 120mm fans on it the other has 1. it has 2 reservoirs, one on the back side, and one thats incorporated into the case. the case was done by, which happens to be down the road like 3 minutes from my house. all the wires are sleeved, lights are on switches, and fans are tied into a custom panel on the front of the case. they can be turned down, and the LED’s over the corresponding know changes color from blue when there on full blast to red when there slower.

it hasn’t slowed down in any of the games Ive played on it.


It’s like 4 years old now but. :frowning:

AMD Athlon 1.33GHz running at 1.4GHz on a reasonably nice day.

And quite possibly the most inexpensive/half-assed/noisy yet quite functional water-cooling system the world has seen. Need to build a larger heat exchanger but it does the job. :tup:

For some reason I can only run it at 1.2GHz @ 65-68C on air regardless of ambient tempature since the day it was built. :tdown:

Someday I’ll squeeze it into my budget to upgrade the CPU. Until then I’ll be loading battlefield 2 onto it tonight after I toss the new videocard in. Time to watch that thing melt. :slight_smile:

lol i love my san diego core… i’m still running at room temp :slight_smile:

hey man where in fairport are u, i lived there on macedon center rd for like 7 years, great town. Anyways JNCS is pretty reasonable for pc stuff, not the cheapest but cheap for being local and stuff.

Word man, I live right in the village. right off of west curch street.

whats JNCS?

sounds like a very nice setup, a little more than what i had, but very close. i also ordered all my crap from frozencpu. awesome products, great company, 1 day shipping…you cant beat that. my project now is ThesXeKid’s old 733 celeron(P3 series) im making a fileserver. ill have to see what i can do to boost speed :tup:

I got a 6800.