Ocd my new pc

Finally got around to installing my new fan bought this


XIGMATEK HDT-S1283 120mm Rifle CPU Cooler - Retail
Far better and about 40 bucks cheaper than a Zalman

And ended up with this

700 mhz, did nothing but adjust the Bus speed, next is memory, timings and voltages. Ill be hitting 4.00 no problems, plus being stable.

wtf did you just say

ok i built a new motor and put a turbo on it, it runs 16 lbs of boost on 89 octane and no tuning is required.

lol better?

So… you put a radiator in your computer? lol

ummmmmm i’m lost.

wow those are great #s !!!


people still overclock pc’s?

Is the benefit worth the price of those $$$ zalmans?

Back in the day I would overclock celerons and athlon xp’s…

That was the good ol days…

Wow, it tells you how fast you can get to TJ Max? Which one, by McKinley mall or transit?

Overclocking still has huge benefits. You still have headroom to get to 4.0ghz. Those temps are good. Keep goin!

Also, I wouldnt go as far as saying that HS is far better than a zalman. Ive got a zalman 9700 and my 3.6ghz q6600 never gets above 55c. Even for it to get that high the room temp has to be in the mid 80s.

Huge nerd… :bloated:

I also see this … with that FMIC he shold get there and not overheat

really what is going on in here what is “overclocking” and such… is there a way to turn up a computer and make it run faster with out adding more ram and such… really i would like to know

ok to me this means .^^^… also i would not say in highschool b/c i am far better then mr zalman (my tech teacher) i bought him a apple and he has never given me above a 55% on any test … his classroom is always over roomtemp i think it is about 80* in there some days

ok im not a ass but it sounded good in my head… at the time and i was going to take it all off but you know what i dont even care right now

well for the price its a hell of alot better, all the reviews ive read put this at the top for price and temp. I have to still mess with the voltage and memory next.

those processors are so easy to oc, they take pretty much everything you throw at them. nice numbers.

very nice :tup:

Absolutely worth the price. The e6750 I built a few months back is runs beautifully at 3.8GHz on a Zalman 9700. I couldn’t get 3.9 stable in prime95, and 4.0 would post but not boot windoze.

Nice numbers from the Wolfdale - I’ll be building one of these in a few weeks for a buddy of mine.

Also bought a nice retainer for the heatsink, stupid intel and its pushpin locking mech, too much stress on the mobo, now with the retainer on the back of the mobo its perfect, no more warping. The heatsink is the biggest thing i have ever seen, i need to take pics, cause stock photos do not do it justice lol.

dunno, wouldent buy a zalman as of now, there are better/cheaper out there with new technology

why not just submerge the comp in minerial oil like the other thread, nothing could cool it better could it?


I just ordered some OCZ thermal paste, the shit that came with the cooler is garbage silicone based crap. Should get my temps even lower with some good paste.

^ damn, wish I knew you needed some. I have a tube of the shit laying around that will probably get lost before it gets used again.