ANyone know anyone who does graphics

i’ll pay you to leave graphics off the car

lol yea im not covering the whole car. The only I’m going to have is the civic vls on the rear hatch. Where it says civic vx


i have a vinyl machine…but wtf is vls?

i’d say keep it off, will that sticker add power No so don’t add it.

he’s doing a ls swap into a vx

Nope its done lol. I been had it done since saturday. Full exhaust ( with showtiems cat) intake and DC Header.

that’s sick yo

Timmy Rodeheavor (7.5indaleed)has a vinyl cutter.

stay on topic or lock it up jackass. :rolleyes:

ok… your boy is a ricer that wants ‘graphics’ to put a stupid banner on his car… hopefully someone can make some $ off him and this thread can die.



delete my post mocking your grammar, and fix the errors i pointed out?

you’re such a fag.

first off he’s not my boy…i met him once to sell him a cat.

second i dont care what he puts on his car.

all i did was answer someones question of what vls ment.

here is your dumb ass post.

NOW please get the fucking clue…

stop posting bullshit in every thread… it’s old and will be deleted.

i forgot, you’re always the :victim:

can we stop please?

i love that you have the ability to lock, delete, or modify a thread to make yourself look better.

this is the “off-topic” forum. fuck off.

that makes a lot of sense…

too bad some mods don’t follow their own rules.