Vinyl is SRS BZNS

Huge thanks to SRS BZNS for spending pretty much his entire weekend and Mon night wrapping most of my car in vinyl.

Member of the Year.

Where the fuck are the pics

Your mom, that’s where.

You’re lucky I’m in schenectady right now.

What makes you think I’m not in Schenectady?

What makes you think I’m not…



Door moldings and the rest of the racey stuff go on sometime this week.

  1. Painted moldings suck
  2. It looks good, but you should have kept it all white.
  3. I know where the wrinkles are and I will point every single one of them out. Mark my words.

I should’ve painted them Mary Kay Escalade white, my bad. :shifty

Nah 5Zigen colors are way better :shifty


We actually later on heated out most of the wrinkles. The ones that are left will haunt my dreams for the next 3 years or until this car is no more

I also haz progress pics on my worpress blog

Pfft this car will not last another 3 years.

Oh I know, and I’ll use it to my full trash-talking advantage.

Pics of fried food made me hungry.

Hey man, as long as you go Mod when you flip it 13 times (I didn’t pick that number by chance, you will flip it no more, no less. I know the future) so you can stuff a built S54 with an x-trac and all the super fancy shit you can’t do now in it, it’s all good.

wow looks sick!

:thumbup car looks awesome!

Looks pretty sweet!

man benny, you sure do talk a big hate game for a guy who cant navigate a parking lot, let alone race a car… no room for haters