Vinyl wrap

hey guys

do you know a local place that sells rolls of Vinyl?

I wanna try something out on my car I just need plain white vinyl.

anyone got any idea, prefer in the west end(etobicoke). Also how much does this stuff cost?

briggs vinyl wrapped his car im sure the dude who did it can hook you up with some. contact him maybe?

edit** also martino has a sticker machine or w/e i think he can get some too

He knows I have a machine. The guy briggs got his stuff off isn’t local either.

Avery I told you, tell me what and when you want it and I can get it. My dealer gives me gooooood price!

Contact Shinzo Werks!~
these are my dealers acme is the closest to you
they all supply vinyl and sell to the public
briggs’s car was most likely done in 3M controll tac its much easier to wrap cars with but its much more expensive
if you have any problems buying it let me know via pm i can help you out

thanks so much guys

I’m gonna have to check out those places, their nice and local. I hate having to drive out to Markham all the time lol.

EDIT: …and good luck trying to get anything done from Shinzo. He’s so backed up with company projects little things on the side never get done.

so aprox how much do you need to wrap the whole car?

Well most companies sell in yards, so you’d have to figure out how many yards it would take to stretch from front to back, than figure out your width. You’ll have a higher advantage if you can get a roll cut to your specific size you need. Once you find out the width you can have the companies cut whichever amount of yards, and how wide the roll needs to be.

Vinyl wrapping a vehicle is hard however. If you don’t have any time or patience good luck. It’ll take you a good couple hours just to have it on the car properly.

well i was asking duffman for tips and stuff on how to apply it. the non metalic stuff is apparently much easier to stretch around curves and what not.

so really its just finding somewhere local to sell it.

You still want to vinyl wrap your car breaker? Why not just get it satin sprayed $200, probably cheaper.

vinyl will cost the same, if not less, and turn out much less shit looking.

but whats more durable man?

That’s not true. If you don’t know how to do it properly it’ll come out looking like shit and you’ve just wasted all your time and money. Not to mention the vinyl will and can get scratched off, where as paint can be buffed out. You can get bubbles, creases, folds, tears, big scratches…all factors while putting the vinyl on, imagine what could happen when it’s finished. Try cutting out a section that may have gotten ripped and replacing it with another piece…it won’t look anywhere close to proper. I’d strongly suggest painting your car unless your only do a few body parts.

EDIT: Have you ever put on a small sticker and there’s a couple bubbles underneath it but don’t know how to get it out? Or if somehow some small debris got underneath it and your stuck on what to do? Imagine what can happen with an entire wrap.

Depending on what kind of vinyl you get the quality won’t be there as well. On the topic of quality, price is a huge factor. The better the vinyl the more it will cost, meaning 5 yards could cost you anywhere close to $50+tax…you do the math.

yeah exactly in the long run a cheap satin paint job is much more durable, reliable and cheaper in the long run… if you crash… you need to rewrap the WHOLE car instead of just spraying one part

On a side note it’s good for drifters…
The vinyl holds our bumpers, fenders, etc together better while crashing.

Yeah thats true, but its still a bitch to repair after… you need to revinyl the whole part… when with paint you can ziptie and fg it back together then grab a spray can.

Unless you have constant access to vinyl and can get it cheaper than $7.80 a yard there’s no point.

In my perspective, if I were to vinyl wrap my car I would benefit from it seeing as how I get yards for less, and have most common colors in stock seeing as how I run a company.

Good point martino, but at YOUR price how much do you think itd cost to cover a s13?