Anyone know anyone with a studio?

Hi guys/gals.

Just wondering if anyone here has a studio or recoding equipment, it’s nothing serious but just for fun, you could say hobby, looking to have my cousin spit few verses, I want to see how he sounds on professional recorded cd. He always needs a push to do things, so here I am again.

If not anyone know from experience how much it would cost to get the necessary equipment to record a decent quality track, doesn’t have to be the best, just something in the reach of the everyday Joe.

thanks all.

you should message klutch hes the one with all the music

wattup tis me… im the one with a pretty good setup… wat u need?

pumpin in ma s13 yo

i drift inside my clutch. best place to be

i want MORE

Not to threadjack or anything But myself and a few others are interested in puttin down a couple of tracks, they have been recorded in our sub par studio but it didn’t come out as sounded, Let me know.

I don’t think he’ll be needing your services, his boy made it, is a rapper now.

These guys are old school. The last of the 1998 guys.

Dude I know this guy My buddy Nosa Makes beats for him…small world lol:R
i think he made a beat for song called make it hot or something i don’t remember…lol

LOL holy shit dude, small world!

guess what, remember B13bully or the real guy not his cousin fronting on here. yea they grew up together, they are all ol school, SICK rappers, but only lalo made it, the other guys went through their own tough times.

man it sucks ass i wish the other guys became rappers, spike,L7X(aka b13),Lino and 8th nigga, there were more, but these guys were real star potential.

some of them can’t even flow anymore because they had to quit to improve their lives.

curious how do you know Nosa, do you know the older guys from them?

lol never mind, you live near brampton, thats good

lol bro i know nosa from school we were in the same program at humber college he used to talk about Lalo all the time. The guy used skip classes to go sit in the computer lab with his hard drive full of beats and make new beats all day…lol at one point i started doing it too and we thought lets open a studio together(me and nosa) but then i lost interest quick lol… and as how i know him, i was in the same program as him at humber it was hanging out with him…,haha man i goota call him up and see what he’s up to… last time i talked to him was about 2 month ago lol:drivin :R :smiley:

ohhh Humber, nice, cool dude. I knew them from before primary school, but yea. These guys were crazy about rap, i tried too, but i sucked big time.

I miss those days, these guys would have battles in high school during lunch hours, and it wasn’t weak either, some hardcore stuff. I’m really happy for lalo, he was the latest bloomer, but talent is talent. The other guys went off to get degrees and do their own thing. But i remember L7x, spike, and lalo all had their own style the other two went off to get mba’s and lalo just hung in there, i guess everyone has to give up something to gain something.

yea man definitely call them up, and chill. Will be good times. Theres nothing better then listening to your own boy on the nice pioneer in the car.:slight_smile:

not bad

dudes were boosting him a bit in the video

I would boost him too, he made it, his career is just starting, he said it himself he doesn’t want to be the best, but he is nice in his category, he’s like nas, he doesn’t care about the fame, he likes telling stories in his flow.

The guy in the video boosting him, sounds sick, he sounds like Tupac on a CD, but the guys a Doctor so he just does it as a

oh man i can’t wait to be in some videos, i don’t care if im in it for 2 seconds, i just want to touch some hot but i think his videos would be more street then clubbing, so ahh maybe i will have to wait long time.