anyone know anything about the k40 radar detector/laser jammer?

lol WHAT???

i bought a v1 so i can speed, and if theres a cop near it will sound and alert me to slow down…

What does everyone else use them for?

Laser is light, regulated by the food and drug administration and laser jamming is not illegal. Several states have passed laws making it illegal but ny is not one of them.

A v1 is a radar detector, the k40 is a laser jammer, you would use both as they both do different things.

I’ve been wanting to get a blinder for a while for the s2k but I think I’m going to get a laser interceptor after recently seeing the reviews they seem to be better. I already have a v1, it’s the tits

Also with the laser jammer you get hit and it’ll go off, then you slow down and turn it off so the cop gets a reading on you at the speed limit.

The V1 can pick up laser scatter. Put that to the test many times on the OLOA along with the Brembos. Have been plenty of times the V1 has gone off for laser with us well beyond the speed limit, and it wasn’t us they were aiming at, so yeah it can get you out of a laser ticket on occasion.

Yeah just because your detector detects laser doesn’t mean the cop has your speed. It’s a good chance but the laser beam has to bounce back to the laser gun with a good enough signal to give them a reading. Things like weather conditions, dirty car, etc can reduce the laser’s signal strength and never make it back to the gun.

it’s a detector, it detects when a radar or laser gun is being used in the area. thats what they are built to do. not to allow you to speed.

btw, i’m having way too much fun with this right now.

…i think you were being serious. :skid

i was, but i was having fun being serious. i was taking the most literal meaning of what they are and applying it to show that they do work. as they are marketed as a detector, not a drive as fast as you want and slam on your brakes when it goes off to try to avoid the cops device like everyone uses them as (and why most people still get tickets with one)

gotcha… most people get tickets imo from laser, valentine does an almost flawless job of spotting a radar far before anyone has to slam on there breaks… at least the 2 i have do… i wish there was a unit that had both that were as accurate as valentines, why the fuck didnt valentine make a laser jammer and radar unit in 1?

Laser jammer diffuser the light and they are none the wiser, they often cannot get a reading for various reasons

because it would be a lot more money. and honestly you would be surprised how little laser is used because of the fact that u need almost ideal conditions to use it effectively. most of the time cops use radar, this is easy to check even without a detector because of how large a laser gun is compared to a radar gun.

most people with radar detectors get tickets for one of two reasons, they were cheap or they think that now that they have a radar detector they can stop paying attention and drive however they want. they are an aid in your driving.

Lots of misinformation in the top 2/3 of this thread, glad it got straightened out though.