Anyone know how to transfer video from a Mini DV tape?

Hey guys.

I have a Mini DV (Digital Video) Camcorder and I would like to know if I can upload the video from the tape to my computer? If so what program and/or hardware do I need? My camcorder is a Canon ZR50

I can upload pic’s from the built in digi cam as the data is contained on an SD Card but I can not take video on the card. As I said the video is on a tape.

I’d appreciate any help.

Thanks everyone.

Easy 8)

You need a Firewire to DV connector. It’s basically what I do.

Have fun copying from the vid-cam. It’s easy but it ain’t a walk in the park.

HAHAHA, I knew I would hear from you first. :smiley:

Well I have a USB cable that came with the camcorder. It looks just the pic you posted. Is that the same?

I ask because even with the USB cable my computer still does’nt seem to pick up the camcorder unless I have it it switched to camera. Then my computer picks it up but I can only upload pic’s. When I switch to VCR to play my video, nothing.

No man its not the same cable, its flatter, and you need a vire wire card in your computer.

Its one of these,
Thats the one i have, works really well not to expencive, like $85 i think.

Shit I did’nt know I needed a card or that the cable was different. Is there cards for laptop’s? I don’t have a desktop.

That i dont know, just stop in and ask future shop, but yeah the end you put in the camera is really small, and the end for the card is a bit diffrent the usb.

Thanks man I’ll check in to it. Do I need any software at all?

Windows Movie Maker. get it from Microsoft’s site-- it’s free.

Extremely easy to use and it will allow you to capture the video, edit, save and export it to your liking. Perfect starter prog.

Hey I have that program I think. Now I’ll still need that wire though too right?

Thanks a lot for this to everyone.

Booooooo, that program sucks so bad. I have Adobe Premiere 6 profesional

it sucks yes but unless you are doing some serious editing, its good for ccapturing, and making quick flicks.

ya, well if you want it tho let me know.

You don’t need fire wire unless you’re palnning on creating production qulity DVD’s.
Hop over to the nearest computer store or and a get a USB video converter.

portable and easy to use. Plus you can hook up your DVD player/ VCR/ Digicam, Security Cams etc… and capture away. Most of these devices will come with some sort of low end video editing application like ULead, which will work 10x better than windows movie maker. If you can get your hands on Premiere it will open up a whole new world of new options (if you want to purchase a license, let me know).

For a desktop solution, pick up a Video Tuner ($25-$45) card, which will allow you to connect AV Cables as well as S-VHS and analog signals to your computer (and some may have a radio tuner built in as well). the cards are simple to install (10 mins max). ou can watch TV, capture, edit and broadcast in one shot.

Note: if you plan on using your laptop for serious video editing, make sure it can handle it. Anything less than 256mb ram, PIII 1.13 mobile will crash. My Mobile 1.7 with 1 gig DDR ram bogs when editing short broadcast quality vids.

Good luck

Boy this sounds envolved. I was kinda hoping it was almost as easy as just uploading pic’s. :?

As for my laptop, it’s a Pent 4, 2.4 GHZ with 256mb DDR Ram. So Im guessing it’ll be sufficent, right?

I’ll be going to Future Shop tomorrow and see what’s the best and easiest option. I don’t plan on being some major video guy, I just want to be able to upload some video here and there.

I do appreciate all this guys, thanks. :smiley:

Easy 8)