anyone know this shit?

Looks like * > :rofl:


what? no corn!?!?!

italian sausage?

looks like pacman about to eat a dot.

:ban: yourself for not marking NWS

it’s nice to see there is plenty of fiber in your diet

Ew. :ugh:


and i thought adam was the only one taking pics of his shits…lol


you would definately be wrong.

isn’t there too much fat in the diet if your poop floats?

i should have documented my log in the styrafoam

Good thing it’s burned into spanglers eyes forever

O.M.G.W.T.F i think is how it was done:rant:

I had a good one the other day.

Maybe I snap a pic of the next good one.

my eyes! they’re burning! :hahano:

Mr. Bucket, or in your case Mr. Cup, makes an excellent emergency poop recepticle. Just make sure there’s some water in the bottom to kill the stench.

anyone see the south park episode about this same topic? Bono from U2 has the world record for biggest shit. :rofl: