Anyone know what happened to Battle Endless Performance in markham?

I lost my job due to the economy.

Honestly though, I doubt anyone is actually making fun of the fact that they went out of buisness. However, think about it.
More then 50% of the people on this forum are either at work doing nothing, or at home doing nothing, and find enjoyment in posting stupid random comments for shits and giggles.
Even if everyone said something positive, would it really of made a difference? Battle Endless is still closed, their website deleted, phones cut. etc.
Don’t get me wrong though, not trying to be a negative person, nor am I trying to take responsibility for everyone else. I personally have never dealt with them, so you can call me a critic. Even though anyone is entitled to their own freedom of speech, I don’t think you should take anything serious that is said over the net. But this is reality. The world is not made out of rainbows and unicorns, everyone critizes or simply makes light of situations. Regardless of how connected they are to it, whom they may involve, how serious they are etc. Not saying it’s right, however, that’s just the way things are. Call me a jerk if you’d like, but that’s honestly what I think.
