Anyone know where to find the Bills "The Comeback" Vid?

A family friend told me about the Bills 92-93 playoff game against the Oilers called “The Comeback”. He said it was the best comeback in NFL history. I googled and Youtubed it but cant find it. Anyone know where I can find it?

I have it on VHS and have been planning on copying it to dvd. When I do this I’ll send it to you if you pay the like $3 shipping. Maybe i’ll get on that this week if anyone else is interested in it.

Good old Frank Reich… Wasn’t that like a 50+ point comeback after halftime?

35-3 early in the third quarter.

Best Bills game i ever went to

I was at the game, made a decent sum of money on it too. :slight_smile:

god damn i hate bing too young and remembering this things. o well got to go to the last super bowl travel via van there and there was a tape of all this song that had been changed to be buffalo songs and now that is lost to history because the tape is gone. still got the super bowl ticket stub though

my cousins from colorado went to this game… they left just after the score was that far spread… and they got home and they rushed back lol

i was @ this game…awesome game to be at. half the people left but i stayed cuz im harrrrd core

I still have my ticket stub from that game


Me 2 except mine simply says “Playoff Game” and no date :frowning:

My roommate at college had the VHS. We watched it every year to kick in the football season. It sucks Michagan State had that comeback in college this year b/c that took away Frank Reich’s record for both college and NFL.