anyone live/know someone who lives Elmwood Heights?

I have an appointment to see an apartment today after work. Just wondering if you live there or know someone who does. What the neighborhood is like and how the landlord is. I’ve been living back with the rents since my last place (long story) and NEED to get the hell out of here lmao. Just NO roomates this time…

also want to know if DSL is avalible around that area. (or if by any chance someone lives there from here, wants to “split” powerlink :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: it’s on the corner of Elmwood and Lexington (near childrens hospital)


i live on elmwood and w delevan. i wouldnt say its a bad area, but i see a decent number of crazy people and homeless people walking around. idk about dsl, but my adelphia speeds are pretty good here.

i live in allentown

lock up your car, get an alarm or get the shit you like out of it…

good area for the adelphia powerlink - haven’t had any issues whatsoever yet, just upgraded to premium too :tup:

i had DSL last year when i lived further from downtown - justin husvaRRRR’s been there - it kinda sucked sometimes.

unbelieveable. the day after i post this, i get my second stereo stolen. get a fucking compustar, best you can do when living in this shithole.

EDIT: not to mention that this was between 3:30-5:30pm

lol damn dude… that blows.

I know that area though and it doesnt supprise me one bit. Fuck, I got robbed on Allen st. before. I’m now looking at a mansion on Elmwood or an apartment on Deleware towards the 290