Anyone looking for part-time work with high earning potential?

This. I’m in the same boat. Just got promoted and the last department I worked for is hurting since I left. They come to me at my new position to ask me questions about my old one.

Sully, you have to understand that not everyone here works for $10/hr and is expendable. A lot of us on here have very desirable careers and experience and are doing jussttt fine making mid-20’s or higher with GREAT benefits too boot (at least in my company - which is why I waited for a promotion instead of leaving).

As Cossey said, if in a year you are still making decent money…kudos. But until then, and without a thread (as I mentioned in the other thread) explaining everything 100% of what this ‘scheme’ is…we can’t buy into it. I don’t see why anyone would trade in what we already have (which is good) for what could be (which could be a POS).

All I want is details…that is all.