Anyone looking for part-time work with high earning potential?

sorry Dan, this whole thing made me think back to this. Hilarious.

Will this elephantize my penis?

It did for me :number1
but seriously, its very healthy stuff.

…this entire thread is why i dont post anything other than reach out to me haha. either way it doesn’t matter to me, just trying to open the opportunity up to other people. i’m still making money either way

I would come here a lot less if people reacted like normal human beings. :popcorn

Nice to hear, selfish attitudes like that make people ask for the pen and where to sign, right.

Opening up opportunities for people would be posting something like " Hello I am so and so, working for such and such. I have held this position in the company for this long. Are you looking to make a little extra money and learn a new trade? Come make $X/hr, this shift, at this location, doing this and that, for him and her. Why work here, well we have this and that to offer you. Why do we need you, well our company is looking to do this and that."

All you and Sully did was hide behind a screen name, didnt give anyone a fucking clue what they are about to deal with. For all we know you could be some creeper molester selling asian babies at wholesale. Only an idiot could think that people would take that seriously. My time, money and efforts are worth alot more than “working” for/with some unicorn behind a keyboard.

PS, that stuff tastes like vommit. I know one of your sales buddies.



You’re out of your mind.
Plus I agree with you, your time is worth an hourly/salary job, nothing more mothing less. Have fun being told when to go into work, when lunch is, when vacation is, how much you’re paid, etc. :number1

I don’t hide behind my SN, you’re more than welcome to meet me in person. :Idiots

Dan, if you’re still working there in a year and making more than $5k/yr, I’ll say “good job, you proved everyone wrong.” But for now, it’s a scheme just like all of the other pyramid-type schemes.

hahaha someone’s a bit butt hurt it seems.

I come to work late as fuck every day if I want, don’t need to call and come up with some excuse as to why, don’t get shit when I walk in about it, i get up from my desk and do what I want when I want every day, go to lunch for my “30 min” break to any of the local downtown pubs for a few beers and food if I want for hours at a time if I want, and have enough balls and legs to stand on to tell my supervisors and/or managers “the shit you want me to do here is fucking dumb and not going to work” in meetings, then they give me the well lets see you try it your way, and I get that shit done like a hoss and they buy me a beer at the next lunch! I “cry” like you think in such a way it seems to keep me gainfully employed, and actual has gotten me promoted twice in the 3 years I have been here. I “work” maybe 4 hours a week, then the rest of the time spend it making calls for my shop and pissing you off on a car forum making damn good money. And I have my position here by the balls… I aint going anywhere. Infact they will be FUCKED and they all know it, when I leave. Being told by your supervisors manager “If you leave to work your in your shop, we are screwed.” feels GREAT, let me tell you. Feel free to look up what an ITS 3 pay rate is if you care.

ALLLLL that Wayne64, GD3Skiier, and a few others here can back my word to everything above.

ANNNND I am about to “throwing that all away” to work in MY shop, doing MY work, making MY money, how I want, along side 2 other people that are on the same page I am.

Yep, I am doing it allll wrong like you said.


yes or no?

This. I’m in the same boat. Just got promoted and the last department I worked for is hurting since I left. They come to me at my new position to ask me questions about my old one.

Sully, you have to understand that not everyone here works for $10/hr and is expendable. A lot of us on here have very desirable careers and experience and are doing jussttt fine making mid-20’s or higher with GREAT benefits too boot (at least in my company - which is why I waited for a promotion instead of leaving).

As Cossey said, if in a year you are still making decent money…kudos. But until then, and without a thread (as I mentioned in the other thread) explaining everything 100% of what this ‘scheme’ is…we can’t buy into it. I don’t see why anyone would trade in what we already have (which is good) for what could be (which could be a POS).

All I want is details…that is all.

I’ve seen so many people who fall for this, get a little bit of change in their pocket and will defend it to the end like a captain going down with the ship. I know for a fact that people who do this make Damn good money. But I’m willing to bet 90% of their income comes from getting others to try to peddle their goods vs actual profit from the goods.

Hard work builds long term wealth. Getting people to try to buy into you marketing so you can make a few quick bucks isint sustainable long term unless you are Damn good at it and can convince substandard individuals to make your money for you.


You guys are all ballers. Damn.

Is anyone hiring? I’m highly uneducated.

I plan to win the lottery so I don’t have to work anymore

Sully, we’re hardly even acquaintances, but ive talked to you a bit and I think your a cool dude.

You have the whole hustler thing stuck in your head, becoming an entrapeanur or whatever, and good for you thats awesome.

This is no different than any other pyramid business model done in the past. On paper it looks great, during the initial recruitment of friends it looks great, but the minute the steam dies down it becomes harder and harder and eventually a waste of time.

I really don’t see how after watching all of those videos you can be so blind to it? Its like ANY OTHER BS PYRAMID SCHEME. The initial suckers may make some bank, but eventually it stops… and the more people join the less money there is to be earned, which is the whole goal, get as many people as you can pushing a product.

I’m fine with my 9-5 Job, I make good money, its in my bank every week without fail, I know im never not going to have some sort of income, all the peolpe I work with are cool, I don’t have to worry about a single fucking thing the minute I leave the office. I work comfortably and stress free for for 9 hours a day and get paid for it. You make it sound like its a bad thing?