Anyone looking for part-time work with high earning potential?

I have no issue with anyone doing whatever they want to “hustle” or whatever you want to call it to make money today. Its a free country (for the most part) and you can do whatever you want. I’m very skeptical of Vemma and how this works, since I value my money I don’t feel like taking such a high risk to possibly lose in the end. Its just something I can’t do. If you can, great.

“I finally quit when I could no longer morally justify to myself the flagrant fleecing of the uneducated and elderly. For every “student” who actually managed to flip a note, there were literally hundreds, if not thousands, that were bled dry of thousands of dollars for “additional coaching.”

…they kept trying to pressure many people into joining other leads companies, and make up so many lies about how Vemma Builder was all you needed to help promote your business.
What bothers me the most out of this deal is how distribution is laid out and why, if this was a legitimate product would the owner of the company not just go with a normal way of selling and distributing. Why is he going with normal people to sell and promote his product? RedBull is worth a fortune today and hasn’t been around long either, however from what I see their product is sold and distributed through large vendors that already deal in beverages. An average person can buy it and sell it, but why? Logistically it makes no sense to have your basement full of RedBull or (Vemma) and stock coolers in convenience stores - if you’re going to do that, you might as well buy a few trucks and start a beverage distribution service with more product.

To me it just looks like too long of a chain of supply, I get it from you, you get it from this guy, that guy gets it from Ohio, Ohio gets it from Arizona. Why not just get it direct from Arizona?

Could it work? Sure. But if one side of your two sided system fails there goes 50% of your income. If one person down the line backs out it has a ripple effect. I see a lot of numbers being thrown around in their promotional videos, just be careful man. I have a video camera, I can make a video on selling nails to carpenters the same way they move energy drinks.

I love how all of you draw conclusions with no basis. IF YOU DONT PUT SOME TIME IN YOU’LL FAIL, IF YOU PUT SOME EFFORT IN YOU’LL SUCCEED. Plain and simple.
There is no chain of supply, YOU BUY YOUR OWN DRINKS THAT YOU’D BUY ANYWAY, why not get them for free and potentially make money at it. Everyone likes to bitch, esp if you’re a lazy fuck and have gotten burned before (for being lazy).
Yep, its a scam, thats why it’s BBB +A, and Oprah/Dr. Oz/ Michael Jordan/Chris Powell/ Suns/Bobcats all endorse it… lol. Get real guys. Keep on hating.
This goes to everyone, and you can bash/hate all you want afterwards, hear it out from one of us who ARE MAKING $$ and have us explain it and show you how it works in person.

At this point I honestly wouldn’t have anybody from here even attempt it, you’d whine/bitch after a week.

Any job or business is based on putting time and effort into. Im not getting mad or “bitching”, I’m curious how this works.

I guess I’m confused by the video on how your money is made, it appears you must look for others to join, as you would be the king-pin. Is it a referral based system? Do you need to keep having new people sign on? How do you market the product? Do you have to pay for marketing? Where can you sell it?

Skepticism and doubt lead to study and investigation. This is a normal reaction so I don’t agree with the term “hating”. If it works out, cool and if it doesn’t then you are just that much wiser and informed. Either way I don’t see it being a bad direction if that type of work is your thing.

I’m PM’ing you my contact info.

Exactly. Any curious person will look into things before jumping in. Im not h8TinG. For all we know this could make you a millionaire or bleed you of thousands.

He shit like a horse, he got a horse ass on him.

Yea, I can assure you that I’m not beelding a penny. I’ve drank tons of this healthy stuff for free and already made money. lol I’m more than pleased, havent had to spend any of my money on drinks in the last month. ie: redbull/monster/rockstar/etc…

I had a few quotes and a small book written… but I will just leave this…

LOL at the bully salesman/wannabebusinesspartner.

How long have you been with the company, and how much did you make off it sofar?

this just gets better with every response.

please list the health facts for me. Ohh and proof from an independant source also. Becasue anyone can buy into “Insanely Healthy Energy” with Over 65 major, trace and ultra-trace plant-sourced minerals, posted on a flashy website.

lmao, dude. You’re a waste of time. Go plan your overthrow of TWC bc you’d also like to whine about $4 a month charge.
look up the Mens health journal article, look up Dr Oz’ write up.
You’re so lame dude, lol. I understand that you’ll never do this, thats fine. not my issue. Go build some awesome* “custom cars” from your awesome "performance " shop. :skid

I can’t find Dr. Oz’s write up.

So this makes more sense now, its referral based. So essentially you buy a case or cases and the more friends you refer the more money you get, which equates to you getting the product for free.

I dunno man, I keep coming across some sketchy shit:

Here are some truths about Vemma:

  1. The “clinicals” they tout are actually NOT done in Massachusetts as claimed, but were part of an amateur study by a couple of students in China. The main clinical also added other ingredients besides the actual Vemma formula.
  1. You will hear claims ranging from “We are endorsed by Dr Oz” to: “Dr Oz WOULD endorse us, but he is not allowed to endorse anything” Both are lies. He does NOT endorse Vemma, and he IS allowed to endorse products, which he does constantly, including Weight Watchers. He briefly mentioned Verve during the closing credits of one of his shows as a payback for a $250,000 donation by unfortunate Vemma Brand Partners to his Healthcorps organization.

3)Do the math! The Vemma compensation plan is terrible! The binary structure of the plan is promoted as “building half your business for you”, but that could not be further from the truth. The truth is that if you get someone to sign up, and they spend $120 per month on autoship and never cancel, that person is worth $7.34 per month to you. So, how many people do you need in order to make a full time living?

  1. The product is nothing more than a cheap multivitamin suspended in water and SUGAR (usually caking at the bottom of the bottle) with a small amount of Mangosteen juice which is readily available on Amazon and other places for a fraction of the cost.
  1. BK Boreyko and his “former” company New Vision were fined by the FDA and sued by another company for a combination of fraudulent claims and other illegal activity.
  1. The “top earners” in Vemma are only top earners because they were lured away from other MLM companies and they conned their downlines to also leave the former companies and join Vemma. NONE of them STARTED in Vemma and became top earners.

Now, a bunch of desperate responses to this post will soon follow by Vemma reps in a sad attempt to dispute these true facts. All I can say is, do the research yourself. Dig deeply enough and you can find all of this out on your own. Do not believe them (and do not beleive me for that matter). Take the initiative to learn the truth yourself before you waste your time and money on this scam.

You cant see it can you?

I am trolling you so hard right now, along with a few other “haters” here in this thread… and all your doing is making yourself look like someone to NOT do business with.


I like how you are belittling my business. A legal company we started (not bought into), registered with the state, doing everything as it should be, with real live happy customers, producing actual products and services, and not hiding behind a screen name with some goofy PM’s sharing our deepest business secrets. LOL If I took a poll here… how many do you think would vote CRC instead of SulleyVerveMan?

Sully, I hate to hop on that wagon everyones hoping on right now, but with every post you make, you sound more and more like your drinking the cool-aid.

if this is working for you then thats awesoem dude, not going to take that away from you, but it seems word for word like any other system out there that has failed, or fucked people out of money.

Most here have no problem working hard, being dedicated to something, its when your working hard and all that dedication goes to shit.

Well, based off of your mental unstability (plenty of threads that show you’re out of your god damn mind), you’re never going to understand or agree with anybody else. I have no intentions or hopes from you or anybody else on this forum to take a closer look. Thats cool with me. You’re “bitching about everything/conspiracy theory/lets stand up and revolt” attitude would make me want to punch kittens, and kittens are cute as shit. :tongue

Mentally unstable. LOL Becasue I have absolutly nothig to hide, hense my long winded over anyalized responses to everything from a throttle body to how some dumb bitch walked into an airplane prop. For better or worse, ill tell you, the guy next to me, my boss, your mother, Obama, or a samsquanch what is on my mind all the same. If having the “I will tell it how I see it” attitude is mentally unstable, call me Charles Manson.

Do you still live behind LaDukes parents house?

Sounds like Market America?

^No clue what that is.
KK, havent lived in that area in about 2 years.

cool sully, glad you moved out 2 years ago.

Good luck making a healty (no pun intended) living selling your sodas.

MA is your next bizventure my man. hes giving you some inside info! PM him for details.

lol, thanks…? I “moved out” for a few years while away at school, then home for a year, then out to my own place.
Dude LaDude’s rents dont’t live over there either at this point.