Anyone looking for part-time work with high earning potential?

I have PM’ed you previously when I though there was something I could actually help you with by being a UAlbany grad and staff.

However all I got back was a vague reply about a guy flying in from Phoenix that you can put me in touch with to talk about this high profit potential and this thing about to blow up.

I’m sorry that you’re getting replies to your subject on a DISCUSSION BOARD, if you didn’t want to discuss the matter maybe you should find new means of social marketing.

But after all, I just feel sad for us sheeple to be ignoring this wonderful mystery opportunity.

You want my Amway Global contact?

LMAO dude, We’re extending a simple offer. You’re so lame buddy, there’s no other way to put it. haha
If you’re content with your lifestyle, you need not inquire.

Careful. Remember this is VOVCHANDR’s site, and if you don’t respond on his message board like a drunk Russian, you’ll be on your way to Ban City faster than you can say Scissor Jacked Subaru.

So why can’t know the company’s name?

Yeah, I did the same thing Vlad. After he told me to call this guy to chat, etc. I said…moving on.

No offense Sully…but I’m not going to waste my time hunting for information. If you want people to join your gig, you’re better off providing details outright. Many of us on here are working professionals don’t have the time to shoot the shit with someone we’ve never met and go hunting for information.

That’s like me looking for someone to work with me in IT and saying in the AD:

IT Job. Pays well. Call me.

What part of IT? Networking? Programming? Support? Telecom?

Ya know? Almost no one is going to pursue such an ‘opportunity’. Why? Because it might end up being a colossal waste of time and some of us don’t have it.

That being said, I too don’t understand your aversion to providing details such as company name, etc. This definitely smells fishy to me…but if you’re an early adopter and are making money…awesome. More power to you. :tbu

For anyone interested in MLM, I’m a Visalus promoter.

I’ve personally lost weight, made money, and seen my mother earn her own brand new 535i from it which she just took delivery of. I don’t have shit to hide! If you’ve got questions, I can answer them. :slight_smile:

Sent from my fecal collecting throne


Even cold calling recruiters give me more info that was provided in this thread. We don’t even know what kind of position it is. CEO? Programmer? Marketing? Cleaning the shitter? Any professional that has an existing job and is looking for supplementary income or a new job is going to totally ignore any and all job postings this vague.

I showed some interest in this thread. I asked questions that not only I would like to know, but I’m sure others would as well (that is why I made a post and not a PM). Neither of the people that appear to be a part of this took the time to respond to me, in PM or publicly. If you guys want good talent you have to put in the work. Posting a vague job posting somewhere and waiting for all the awesome future employees to roll in just doesn’t work.


The chances of anybody “joining” making a substantial amount of money are next to none. That is how the people that start these marketing schemes make bank. It’s just the way it is, most people don’t feel that all the time invested is worth the likely small reward. So same question why not just put the info in the OP and save the hasseling.

^ROFL. Thats why you guys will always be working an hourly/salary job. If you’re content with that, more power to you. GrimmikB put some very simple rules to follow and you cant even complete that. Most of you will not have the right mindset/motivation to do this anyway, being completely honest.

You have no idea what mindset or motivation I have. You’ve never met me. I was simply giving some advice. You’ve missed out on at least 2 talented IT professionals (Ilya and myself) by being vague and secretive already.

If you’re so smart and talented, you would have followed what post #1 said. Ilya did, and he got a response. It’s not for him, thats fine.
I’m telling you right now, if you cannot simply message us and take a call from one of us, it’s not for you. PERIOD

YOTA has got the right idea though.

This could possibly be…the dumbest thread I’ve ever read.

I feel like thread jacking…

I have a vehicle for sale to ONLY Shift518 members. It’s excellent transportation and gets miles per gallon.

You won’t be unhappy with this vehicle because its 10 times better than your current daily driver. You would be stupid to pass up this great investment…I will collect names of all interested parties and respond via phone call from my agent in Nigeria.

After he has talked to all of you I will ask you all to put a $500 deposit down on the vehicle. You all play the lottery right???’s the same thing except what I’m offering you is an opportunity at an opportunity to buy this vehicle.

The more people (ie: FRIENDS) you get to interested in this vehicle…the more money you will get back of your deposit. If you get 1 person interested you get back 10%. If you get 10 people you gay back 20%…and so on.

If you are a hustler like myself…you could potentially get this car for FREE if you have 644 friends.

You will not be disappointed and will smile all the way to work in your “new” car getting miles per gallon.

Hurry, limited space available.


I knew shift was full of tards, but holy cow. This is quite amuzing. What do you whiners not understand? lol

Check out this video on YouTube:<br/><br/>

What is the difference between someone PMing you two? Getting the full story, and posting it verbatim back in this thread? VS you just telling us usefull information right off the bat?

This is what I don’t understand. This doesn’t just have to do with Sully or his venture…I’ve seen this happen on other forums and it seems they never offer details off the bat.

It’s simple, really. But anyhow…as Sully said, I lost interest after he responded to my UAlbany PM. It’s all good.

Good luck to you man.

No problem buddy. Thanks!


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Yeah about that…

Looks like the company was banned from Europe in 2008.

Must be “expanding” to more “open minded” countries such as the land of the free here.

Company has been around for a number of years now. Must be fighting hand over foot for members against Amway.

Thanks for the video link though… here are the stats from the end of your own video summarized nicely by a youtuber.

54% of Verve sellers earn less than 1k per year. 96% make less than 12k per year. So that means that all but 4% of Verve sellers make more than working at MCDonalds. Congrats guys

Vlad, you’re always going to be helpless. You know more than everybody about everything. Sit back, enjoy your life the way it is (bc thats the way it’ll always be), and ‘relax’.

OH, and theres not need to buy that^^^^^^^ btw. thanks for knowing nothing, lolol

Ah what the hell, I’ll even save you some trouble.

Source: Promo video for the company.

Good luck.

Whats your hourly pay Vlad? Good luck working for the next ~40 years
Seriously, get your head out of your ass. Open your eyes, and believe it or not… YOU DON’T KNOW EVERYTHING.