Anyone need some extra cash?


haha, I forgot about that.

the current address is

-There is info you guys can find if you really want it. Critize all you want. But I know I’ll do just fine in helping who wants to be helped.

-Yea and another thing, I’m sorry I’m not a great speller. You do realize 9 out of 10 millions don’t have a college education. :gotme:

-I private franchise and help other poeple start their own business that want to do something more than just work a 9-5. No I don’t try and con people into something. When poeple get signed up, I dont handle any money, it’s all dealt with the corpoation. Half of start up covers sample products. Oh also 6 month money back garrentee, hmm…

-Funny thing you all talk about this thing like it’s a pyrimad, you do realize those are illegal, so why the hell would big name companies partner with something like that? I think their attorney’s did just alittle bit more reseach than most of you. Oh and another thing, tax write-offs for expenses. Why would the government allow you to write-off stuff from a bussiness that is apparently a pyrimad scheme, hahaha

-If it’s a pryimad, why do I make 1800 dollars a month more than the person that introduced me to the program?

-It don’t matter, I sat down with the people that really wanted info and people that wanted more info, got it. People that didn’t, well have a great day, encourage them to do great in whatever it is they’ll do.

There, I think you got your answer. Say and do whatever you want.

As far as ACN is concerned, I deffinatly don’t agree with what they do. But that is another topic.
