Anyone need some extra cash?

Still not even so much as the name of the business? Let me guess, is there a certain amount of personal investment required to join this “business venture”?


Ever been featured on this website?

Still refuse to post details on the job offer… GTFO

Theres expansion in the Buffalo area? What company does that, thats a fucking joke

ha ha… I had a guy across the street from me pull those same exact lines. He dropped names like Dicks, Barnes and Nobles as their clients. You are a fucking loser who needs to get a real job. My neighbor is doing real well…He just got an eviction letter posted on his door last week. SWEEEEEEEEET job!!!


OMG is this where they are selling VOIP phones? Cause that one is sweet.

haha ACN
i got their sales pitch from like 3 acquaintances. Funny how they’re “so successful”, yet are desperate to get you in

and they use the phrase “residual income” more than anyone should

I really have no idea what your all talking about. Yea I’m doing pretty good and yea I have a “real” Job, I’m sorry I don’t work 40hours a week though. I’m doing good enough to be completly debt free and have my soon to be wife stay home within the next 18months so that she can be a stay at home Mother. Obviously it was a mistake to see if anyone here wanted to make some extra income.

You can laugh all you want at me, I’ll be sure to laugh all the way to the bank! And trust me I wont be thinking about any of you :wink:

Jim is a good guy. I doubt he would be on here to screw anyone.

yeah, i have no doubt jim isnt trying to screw anyone, unlike ACN and the other ones posted

i dont think its unreasonable to ask for a few details before someone bothers to send a PM :gotme:



:word: I know Jim wouldn’t be doing this to fuck people over and con them. DIAF to all the haters. If you actually knew Jim you would know he would not do that. :bloated:

So why the fuck is he so sketchy about details?

Regardless of how good a guy someone is…these plans and businesses that are very similar to what he mentions are total brain washing schemes. The people I know involved are great people too…doesnt mean its a good business venture…doesnt mean its an awesome way to make extra cash.

Good Bad or Ugly people get involved in Good Bad and Ugly Schemes.


HMMM…Does respond, but only to criticism, NOT legitimate questions. :gotme:

total pyramid scheme. im a certified fraud examiner. i know one when i see one.