Anyone need some extra cash?


hey guys, i found this businesses org chart



after looking at this. the business is def not a pyramid scam…:roll2:


Now we’re talking





hahaha, thats great!

u wull make teh monies i promise just talk 2 a few of ur friends to get em signed up to sell and we all b ballin

Quixtar is a MLM Scheme anyway you look at it. SCAM.

Apparently, If you are earning $70 a month, you are in the top 11% of earners at Quixtar… lol

AHAHHAH quixstar… they give discounts to people to start a business, IE discounted internet, webhosting, etc, then when the idiot signs up the companies kick money back to quickstar

when I worked at covad we had a program for quickstar morons, they would get 5% of a t1 line, but it required a 2 year contract, when normally we only required a 1 year…




The typical Amway/Quixtar dream is to “retire” from a day job with unlimited time and financial freedom. For those wanting to achieve this dream with the “2-5 year plan”, the business becomes a way of life consuming every spare moment of time, and their complete mental attention. Unfortunately the 2-5 year plan is nothing more than an elusive dream and most participants will lose time with their families, and thousands of dollars a year. For many, the Amway dream turns into a personal financial nightmare as distributors spend thousands of dollars on their upline’s optional but necessary support system of motivational conferences and tapes.


I’m doing good enough to be completly debt free and have my soon to be wife stay home within the next 18 months
You can laugh all you want at me, I’ll be sure to laugh all the way to the bank! And trust me I wont be thinking about any of you :wink:


What was your RETAIL sales number last quarter (also known as product that you didn’t buy from yourself)?

i almost feel bad for him


well if people want to make really SIQQQQQ MONEYYYY

You can come Sell CUTCO!!! the best knives in the world. Ill get you in.

i just hope you don’t pitch this at your wedding.

Good thing the reception is close to home.


-Yea and another thing, I’m sorry I’m not a great speller. You do realize 9 out of 10 millions don’t have a college education. :gotme:


You do realize you pulled that number out of your ass right?

And you know what most millionaires without college degrees have in common?

Parents who are millionaires.

And FYI $1,000,000 ain’t what it used to be.

But please show us the math you used to get yourself to $1M

what the fuck is 9 out of 10 millions anyways?

9 out of 10 million people?

lol, that doesn’t sound right.


What was your RETAIL sales number last quarter (also known as product that you didn’t buy from yourself)?


Funny you brought that up, actully I just finalized a deal 2 weeks ago and put in the order this past Thursday for 20 Espring systems for one of the local developers in the area. For me this means a retail profit of $2040.00($102 per unit) plus at the current % braket I’m at from those alone will be $2106.00. But the way things are going I’ll deffinatly be at the next bracket before the end of the month. So that puts my income for the month of June at $4146.00 and the month isn’t even half over. Not bad for 2 meetings that lasted about an hour each. That sure beats working @ belk 40hours and only bringing home 300 a week.

Yup, I hit the next bracket, so this month is looking to be $4490.91 as I sit right now…

plus the money from belk so that’ll be a total of about $5970.91 this month for me.

Who here makes that a month? I’m sure a few do…
thats 72k a year if I did that every month. Which I haven’t, but I have had better months.

not too bad for a 21 year old that has no college education… :gotme:

How about some real receipt copies and not some number out of thin air that sounds good when you read it off the screen?

Why would someone want to be part of your business when you lack critical skills used in the business world? Skills like spelling, sentence structure, pride in you and your “company’s” appearance (which looks like shit if you can’t spell), etc. etc.

I mean seriously? You don’t care about spelling? What next? You won’t care about that extra “0” in your figures you just posted? If I ran the spell checker on your last post, would it say something like:


replace with:


replace with:


why is it every scheme like this involves selling vitamins??



replace with:


replace with:




oh damn, your right. You got me… I’m really on wellfare :gotme:

In fact, I didn’t even clear 8k last year. :cry:

Good job RX3 :tup:

This will be the last thing I leave this thread with. I’m sorry I tried to come on here and see if anyone was interested in making some extra money to help improve their life. I am obviously doing just fine without anyone here and will continue to succeed with or without any of you. I hope everyone does well in whatever it is they are or will be doing with their life’s.

I’ll leave with these videos…

best part, the first thing that popped up under related videos…