Anyone on here a Structural Engineer?

I need some help figuring our some load ratings for a job I’m bidding. Anyone?

Shouldn’t the structural part of the bid doc?

Well this is my problem.

I am bidding on a job where I have to demo and remove 800 cubic yards of concrete and move the debris ~1200ft one way to a staging area. The only problem is the route to bring the debris has been specified and cannot have a load more than 100psf.

I need to be able to move the debris (1600tons worth) with a piece of equipment (power buggy or something similar). What i need to know is what I can use that will stay under 100psf.

I don’t know if it is as simple as the weight divided by contact point of the wheels or track, or its more complicated. Me standing with my feet together is more that 100psf, so I don’t think that can be right.

PM GermanPSI. He is IIRC

There is a difference between a designed “uniformly distributed load” and “concentrated load”. What I would do if I were to encounter such scenario is I would find out what is the design minimum concentrated live load of the access to the staging area is. IMO, one simply can’t use a “uniformly distributed load” for such calculation, otherwise he/she would be crashing thru almost all of the floors simply by standing on one foot. :lol

I am not an engineer, and these are not advice. Just my opinion on an imaginary situation.


Today in the news : building comes crashing down because a guy online told the demo team to do so.

I’m not an engineer but I play one on Shift.

Yup. :rofl:rofl

If you read my post closely, I never tell anyone to do anything. :ahh

True Story :rofl

NickAlero may be able to help with this.

super complex pulley system


I’m a Civil Engineer who took some Structural Engineering classes in college.

I’ve never dealt with weight restrictions relative to SF however I’ve worked on spans and roads that have a maximum load or weight limit. You should be able to interpolate that data based upon the area in which you are required to haul the debris through.

Is this something that is mentioned in the bid specs for the project or is the municaplity requiring it? I would write a formal RFI (request for information) to either the design engineer or owner requesting written clarification regarding your question. That way if you get the job and a problem arises your ass is covered either way.

We have actually looked to a conveyor system that long. And helicopters.

Yeah its in the spens and on all the drawings. It is a state project that has already been bid and awarded to a GC so the time for RFI’s is gone.

That’s going to be tough… If the floor is already engineered for a max 100lb/sqft you wouldn’t be able to run any sort of PIT ( powered industrial truck) across it.

Grind it and let fraggles have at the transport with small wheeled carts.
