Anyone on here Pave driveways?

^^^^^ :rofl

I will talk to my father today and see what I can work out.

ok cool, thanks

I don’t think anyone can do it that cheap! $1000-$1200 is nothing. There is no base there. Thats alot of work… I need to have my drive way coated over. Its already paved. No cracking but my heavy work truck has sunk in alittle and created an uneven surface :frowning: I was told G’s! YIKES… lol Just to coat over 2" or so. Two cars wide 100ft long maybe.

I dont think I still have the ad, but in last weeks pennysaver there was “AAA paving” They quoted me $1,200 as well as Mr Wallace paving who quoted me $100 more. There number I do have, it’s 5185773373

Is your landlord ok with you paving his yard?

If shit costed money to dump on his yard hed be ok with it lol… As long as im spending money on his property he doesnt give a fuck

id make sure of that. because i know if it were my house i wouldnt want a random driveway on the side of my property just because a tenant wants another parking spot.

Bro, he was going to split it with me in the beginning. The guy is a 65 yr old 4" elf with mental problems, he offered to put the house in my name a while back in exchange to not kick him out, but I dont feel like worrying if hes gonna pay the mortage and other bills on time and reflect my credit. I WOULD just kick him out the second it was put in my name but I dont even like the house lol.

cool story, bro.

This might sound fucking insane… but just park on the grass dude.


it looks like the part he wants paved is downhill from a lot . all the water would pool up and he get his shit stuck or muddy man

+1, its terrible walking on the grass when wet, all muddy and shit… Plus it looks like shit all ripped up with my car parked on it.

Capitaland…owner is Justin Sherwin phone number is 365-3692


CK Companies…owner is Chris Kotecki phone number is 588-7474

I am very close friends with both of them, and work with both of them…tell them pauly sent ya. IDK how theyll be able do for you price wise, but work will be very well done.

ill give them a call, thanks

cement for that is prolly run a good 500-600 bucks and prolly gunna be the same in labor,it wouldnt be that hard,you could prolly do it your self if u have any type of physical labor background and the right tools…

disregard this post… hes to busy eating McFlurrys to make any correct statements.

Cement? And you he meant that, he is unaware of costs.

CK is a good option if JDaniels cant hook ya up. Looks tricky with that hill…and get in writing from the Leprachon that its okay to do this.

  1. empty $600 worth of cement on grass
  2. wait for rain
  3. profit knowing cement and concrete are essentially the same


and OP if you can find someone to turn grass into a driveway for >/= 1200$ let me know. I dont see it happening.

My friend got a section backfilled with stone, leveled and paved for $1800 IRC, for around the same sq foot. Actually his was a bit less.

…im letting you know.

lol, guys coming today to pick up a $500 deposit and $600 when done, told me $1,000 was too cheap, but hed still beat the compeition so he took $100 off my best quote. I’ll give you the guys number if you need work done?