Anyone on LinkedIn?

I was wondering who the hell you were. Lol.


im in there, got a few of you dudes connected already.

feel free to connect


Good tool

For me LinkedIn has turned into nothing but recruiter spam.

It’s cool that the average IT pay in Buffalo has really shot up in the past 4-5 years.

4 years ago most places were topping out at 65k now stuff flys around all the time for 75-90k.

Not for me :(…Glassdoor shows Sys admins at an average of 55k for Buffalo.

I think my linked in credentials are already posted in this thread.

90K for IT in Buffalo is seriously good. That’s better then most Engineering and Managers

How do you guys feel about adding random people? I’m trying to figure out how to correctly/effectively use linked in to its most potential; I need to find a J-O-B next fall before I graduate. gotta gtfo of NYS

First one may be one I could do. Second one is above me I think.

40% Of LinkedIn Users Earn More Than $100,000 A Year

But the biggest factor is money — as in, LinkedIn users have lots of it.

In a data-rich profile of LinkedIn editorial head Dan Roth, Digiday’s John McDermott reveals how much.

The social network has a “disproportionately wealthy user base,” McDermott writes, citing the analytics company comScore.

“More than 40% of LinkedIn visitors earn more than $100,000 per year,” he continues, “higher than 31% average for the entire web.”

By positioning itself as the place for white-collar workers to network, LinkedIn has commanded the eyeballs of lots of wealthy people, with nearly 80 million unique visitors a month. Its content strategy is now helping to turn those users into loyal readers, making the social network that much more attractive to advertisers.[/B]

Holy shit. I’ll be out of college soon so hopefully thats good news for me. I’ll have to connect with some of you guys

I was just pointing it out there was a lot of LinkedIn hate at one point :-p

I got my current job through LinkedIn, and had a number of promising sounding leads through head hunters that I did not pursue. If you are even remotely skilled or unique in the work force you are crazy not to make a profile.

that’s inflationary… $100k today is like $65k 10 years ago… pretty soon most people will be earning $100k and it wont buy you shit.

However only ~6% of the US population earns over $100K

Which is why most families have dual income

The household 100k range is over 20% in the US

^ Not sure what dual income has to do with 40% of linkedin individuals earning over $100K.