anyone paying attention to the economy going down the fucking shitter?

not saying this is the way it should be but…IMO you have to vote against the guy you don’t want over voting for the guy you do want.

it not so much a problem in the primary but in the main election you have to.

example…3rd party candidates…if you like someone in a 3rd party fine, but they are not going to win period, so if you didn’t want bush you should have voted gore or kerry.
if people had realized this we might not be in the shitter right now.

as far a primarys go
I don’t know much about pauls national popularity but i don’t hear much in news coverage so i assume he’s a LOOOOONG shot at best
it if you are very anti romney or hukabee, then voting for paul is bad because its taking votes ways from whomever you like that has a chance.

i’m not saying this is how things should be but it is what it is.
so even if i wanted richardson…i wouldn’t vote for him cause i know he has no chance, i vote for the person who has the best chance of beating the person i really don’t want.

& this is talked about all the time but it pisses me off…the idea of the person getting the most votes not winning…its completely retarded IMO.
the electorial system has to change

also the BS that went on in ohio in 2004