anyone paying attention to the economy going down the fucking shitter?

I’m sure his admission had nothing to do with the fact that his grandfather Prescott, the senator and his father the Congressman having previously attended there. He was an average student there, and got in the National Guard Air Reserves, despite having the lowest allowable passing grade.

The market closed up 300 points today, that was amazing. Any bets on what it will do next? This market is insane.

it closed up on speculation that the Fed is going to cut interest rates another 3/4th% next week. Which may provide temporary relief, but is only delaying the inevitable.

What I really enjoy is watching my 401K drop like a fucking rock when the market drops, then watching it stay there as the market recovers. What a piece of shit!

And apparently you were unable to read the part where I wrote that perception is 4/5ths of reality.

And he got into Yale because of his grandfather and father, just like Darkstar said.

I would be no different having gone to CMU or Princeton than having gone to Pitt. The clothes don’t make the man, but the perception that he gives off goes a long way.

The mutual funds don’t calculate immediately, wait until tomorrow morning.

I agree that perception dictates reality, why else would anyone pay $300 for a purse or a handbag?

But just because his money and family name got him into Yale, and he was a slack-ass in school, doesn’t mean he’s stupid. Nobody gets to be President who is stupid. I agree he’s not the brightest to ever hold the office, but a dolt…please.

America = Hood rich. for the most part. disagree?

“yo check out my big flat screen tv dawg!”
-dudes (charged to circuit shitty card)

“I just had to have this gucci bag, like omg…”
-chicks (charged to boyfriends card)


I cant wait till the 1st o the month Im gonna get me some rims

:rofl: :rofl:

darkstar comparing this downturn to the great depression is absurd, young people, its the time to buy up

i’ll be carefully watching this now. Darkstar has enlightened me to this Ron Paul movement. Seems to make sense to me what that guy is talking about. I havent followed any of the hilary/obama/etc stuff, but i may read up on it alittle to see whats goin on. I havent liked the way bush is going about this war and such, as well as how the economy is working. Something seems wrong here and i hope it dont get too much worse… we need a change

I love my job, even with everything that’s going on, gas prices rising, I still get a raise and profits are up…since the “Few” companies larger than us are slipping in quality to try and put out quantity. lolz Aunt Minnie dot com FTW!


It’s not ME thats comparing it to the great depression, it’s economists that are doing it. No one knows EXACTLY how bad it’s going to be, but it’s going to be very bad.

The confluence of the subprime market with the horrible inflation we’re suffering and the tremendous national debt we have is making a “Perfect Storm” of economic shittyness.

:bowdown: to you sir!

Well no shit there’s something wrong. It’s been wrong since he got reelected! Who would reelect this guy after a first term of idiocy? And why all of the sudden is Ron Paul some God sent savior of the United States of America? Edwards has a greater chance of winning. Certainly Hilary isn’t going to win with her (over)spending plan and Obama seems to be quite the question dodger but he’s the slickest out of the bunch. I think it’s really up in the air for the Dem’s. One thing the Bush administration has done successfully is give the Rep. party a bad name. McCain is off his rocker and God help us if Romney comes close to winning anything.

Yup. You can see around here there are a lot of furniture stores closing because people don’t feel it is a necessity. I really think it will only get worse with retail. Sure we may buy when our tax checks come, but that is only for a short time. Look at how many homes are on the market. if I had 20% to put down I would totally buy right now!

So you have major problems with all the other Candidates, but you rule out Dr. Paul because his chances of winning aren’t high enough?

That mentality got Bush back in office last time around, I know because I was one of the supporters back then!

Wake up dude.

Yea, pretty much. Unless there is a huge movement that sways the casting of that electoral college thing, he doesn’t stand a chance. Why question my mentality? It is very realistic. I have no idea what mentality got Bush back in office…ignorance, maybe? Get real, dude.

Absolutely true. Variable rate? lawl. j/k.

Overthrowing British rule was not realistic in the early 1770s, but people with minds bigger than the local news turned it into a reality. I don’t think America has the balls to put a good candidate in office.

I told you what got Bush into office, people like me supporting him, because he was my best choice, that had a chance of winning.

because he’s going to un-fuck all of the things that have been fucked over the last 50 years. :dunno:

not saying this is the way it should be but…IMO you have to vote against the guy you don’t want over voting for the guy you do want.

it not so much a problem in the primary but in the main election you have to.

example…3rd party candidates…if you like someone in a 3rd party fine, but they are not going to win period, so if you didn’t want bush you should have voted gore or kerry.
if people had realized this we might not be in the shitter right now.

as far a primarys go
I don’t know much about pauls national popularity but i don’t hear much in news coverage so i assume he’s a LOOOOONG shot at best
it if you are very anti romney or hukabee, then voting for paul is bad because its taking votes ways from whomever you like that has a chance.

i’m not saying this is how things should be but it is what it is.
so even if i wanted richardson…i wouldn’t vote for him cause i know he has no chance, i vote for the person who has the best chance of beating the person i really don’t want.

& this is talked about all the time but it pisses me off…the idea of the person getting the most votes not winning…its completely retarded IMO.
the electorial system has to change

also the BS that went on in ohio in 2004