anyone paying attention to the economy going down the fucking shitter?

Read these articles and see what happens when a free-market is overly regulated: I’ve been paying attention to this society of 1’s and 0’s and I have to say this doesn’t surprise me. Currency being treated as a licensed entity in the game, why? All the sudden it was really a currency in real life with exchange rates and what not and someone thought they’d redefine it, resulting in an asset and currency withdrawl freeze when everyone decided the banks were about to get regulated and wanted their money back.

Sounds too familiar, maybe in the near future, eh?

ok. There are a few other countries out there other than the big European countries. :rofl:

There are a small, small handful of countries that enjoy higher standards of living. I personally will not trade freedom for 2 extra years added to the end stage of my life. “Stronger economy” is a statement that needs defined; clearly, the American economy is the most dominant and influential national economy on a global scale, so using that as our criteria, I can’t identify a nation whose economy is stronger.

We have an extremely rich upper 10%. This means very little to everyone else in the country. :dunno:

ok. There are a few other countries out there other than the big European countries.

OK- name one that affords it’s citizens more civil liberties than the United States? The European countries I mentioned were included because they’re generally regarded as the most “free” in the world (along with the United States).

We have an extremely rich upper 10%. This means very little to everyone else in the country.

As noted in my earlier post, the average American enjoys an extremely high standard of living. I’m not referring to our richest 10%.

I don’t really care enough about this to argue on a country by country basis as to whether or not America is the "free"est country in the world. Arguments could most certainly be made for countries like Switzerland, Denmark, Iceland, the Netherlands, etc. But it’s really in the eye of the beholder, and we live in America, and I don’t think it’s even close to being FREE enough.

idk darkstar, america is pretty “free” when you think about everything that the average citzen can do in his/her lifetime. I dont know a whole lot about other country lifestyles but i’m sure the ones that can compare to us arent too much better off than we are currently.

If you think we have it bad here… just think of places in africa and middle east that have it MUCH worse than we do. I’m grateful for what i have today. Sure there are some things i dont like about our country but for the most part, it aint all that bad. You’ll never have perfection

I only criticize and look at the faults of this country because I want to see them corrected. I don’t hate America. I see it for what it is… a great country that will be in a world of shit if it’s people don’t wake up and demand our country back from the idiot/corrupt politicians that are currently DRIVING IT INTO THE GROUND.

that i can agree with for sure!

I agree we have it “pretty good.” But the fact of the matter is that we’re being regulated in a lot of areas where we shouldn’t be.

We can have guns, but the 2nd amendment intended far less restriction.

We’re not permitted to have certain guns to defend ourselves, that the government uses to defend themselves…that creates a bit of a problem.

I know what you’re saying with the 2nd part, but that’s like saying to your teacher…I know I got a C, but look at the kids flunking, I’m way better than they are, I don’t need an A.

We should be striving for excellence, and upholding the principles that created a great nation, not moving toward the ones that have collapsed entire continents.

funny how the economy is going down, but my work is pulling in customers like no other.


i hope summit racing drops prices so i can finish getting parts together for my 383 :frowning:

oh and this may not be the best time of year to be lookin for a job either

as long as horny men have nickels, your business will flourish.

part of the reason we are pulling in so much work is directly because of the economy. They “outsource” and I use that term lightly to use because it does not make sense cost wise to procure their own staff to do the mundane things that go along with IT. Exp does that very well, so the company reduces jobs and gives that business to us.

in quebec, there are billions of ads on TV right now to vacation in America because of the “strong Canadian dollar”. I guess that’s a much nicer way to put it than “weak American dollar”.

you mean it dissuades us from armed revolution?

Vote Ron Paul and end the Fed! :bowdown:

There are many ways to phrase it, but I think the concept of the government fearing the people is long gone when our ability to own weapons is so heavily regulated, and the government uses our tax dollars to design more complicated weapons all the time. How about the new ones for “crowd control” circumstances? The one directs sound at considerable distance and makes your ears/head hurt a lot, although covering your ears does nothing because it vibrates the skull. And there another one that makes your skin feel like it’s burning at considerable distance. No long-term tests on health effects yet, but they’ll try it on us anyway.

We can :bsflag: through many discussions/arguments, but it’s more fun to think who will be the VP if the Presidential election turns out as such:

Paul wins
Romney wins
McCain wins

Obama wins
Hillary wins
Edwards wins

essentially these are the 3 from each party that stand a chance.

The fed is supposed to cut rates again tomorrow. Wow, just wow. Twice in a week.

Must be a result of the economic growth that the federal government reported for 2007. (Based on a 0.8% inflation rate. :rofl: )