anyone paying attention to the economy going down the fucking shitter?

Your basis for “proving me wrong” is…“China and Russia are leaning socialist…Two very big countries!”

We’re leaning that way too, that doesn’t mean it’s good.

You said your friend can’t afford insurance, so we should foot the bill for him…through socialized medicine.

I’m sure you saw all the nice tourist areas of Russia, it’s a great country, but they have their problems too, ever hear of Chernobyl?

Talk about changing subjects, you use a different example and a different source to prove any one of your haphazard, “nothing in America works” opinions.

I use one, the Constitution, and it does not authorize Federal medicine. The only reason I’m frustrated is because so many people like you, drink the public education Kool-Aid and think they know everything. You’ve all studied world cultures and economic theories, but you haven’t read the Constitution of your own country.


Now that you posted that you are sick, I think you have a valid excuse :greddy2:

America is the greation nation on Planet Earth.

Okay, feel good horseshit out of the way: I think that history has shown that encouraging saving does not sucessfully resolve economic downturns. Rather, encouraging spending is key- even if this spending is done by the government.

Economies are not stale- the “bust/boom cycle” is real, and government economic policies need to be flexible enough to respond to it. Encouraging saving during times of depression/recession is foolish.


no, it isn’t. Not even fucking close. :rofl:

no, it isn’t. Not even fucking close. :rofl:[/quote]

we have our problems, but yes, it is the best thing going.

what would be your pick, Darkstar?

we have our problems, but yes, it is the best thing going.

what would be your pick, Darkstar?[/QUOTE]

saying “America is the best country on earth” is like giving your mom a coffee mug that says “Best Mother Ever”.

I’ve only ever been to the US, Canada, and Jamaica. Therefore, I don’t presume to know what the “best country in the world” is. It certainly isn’t the most free. It certainly isnt the best economically. Our literacy rate is pathetic compared to most industrialized nations, our murder rate as well. Our technology and industrial sector pretty much sucks anymore…

so in reality, you have no fucking clue, you just like to bash the US???

No, I just dont have that blind nationalism that makes me say “our government fucking sucks, our economy is turning to shit, etc” out of one side of my mouth and then “OMG America is the best country EVAR!” out of the other side.

I don’t like the way our country is run right now and think a lot of things could be a lot better, but I have seen/heard other countries and how fucked up they are. Trust me, americans have it pretty damn good, even with the current shit going on with the gov.


We do have it good. But just because there are other countries that are more fucked up than we are doesn’t mean we’re the best country in the world. If anything, the fact that we’ve managed to FUCK UP the richest, most powerful country in the world says a lot about us…

and even though it’s fucked up, it’s still better than all the rest. What does that say for us and the rest of the world?

Do some traveling, then come back to the thread.

ignorance is bliss. Have fun with it. :wink:

No, it says a lot about our current administration. This is the problem with other countries, they think that we all hand picked Bush as president and believe that everything he is doing is right. While obviously that’s not the case. Initial reaction when I was in Europe a month ago was exactly this. After you sit and talk to people though, they realize that they can’t just blame the US citizens for 1 man’s actions. Then they ask how did he get elected and that becomes a lengthy conversation.

I’d give that argument some credence, if we didn’t RE-ELECT HIM! fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on us.

You’re crazy. We have more civil liberties than any other industrialized nation. We enjoy an excellent standard of living. We are not plauged by civil war and military violence. We enjoy comfort and prosperity that 90% of Earth’s population can’t even being to comprehend. Even the poorest Americans are in better conditions than the AVERAGE human being worldwide.

America IS the best thing going, period, and I’ll be more than happy to sing it’s praises.

We CAN blame a lot of factors, but at the end the runner up surrendered. The current administration hasn’t done a ton of good for the American people and I think these elections will be even more influential. Time will tell!

There are plenty of other nations that are more free than the United States. There are plenty that have stronger economies, and plenty that live better qualities of life. :dunno:

There are plenty of other nations that are more free than the United States.

Name one? You can’t own a hangun in Britain. You also will be persecuted and incarcerated if you choose to defend your life or your families lives against violent criminals. You can’t disseminate political opinions that aren’t approved by the national government in France or Germany- doing so will result in incarceration. In Canada most of your income is taken by the government (and you can’t own a handgun here either). In Italy, the economy is constantly cripped because the government’s socialist control of society and utter empowerment of labor unions results in total stagnation. You can’t own a gun there either.

…and these are the “free” nations…I’ve yet to comment on the Russian Federation, China, and the other not-so-free industrialized countries.

There are plenty that have stronger economies, and plenty that live better qualities of life.

There are a small, small handful of countries that enjoy higher standards of living. I personally will not trade freedom for 2 extra years added to the end stage of my life. “Stronger economy” is a statement that needs defined; clearly, the American economy is the most dominant and influential national economy on a global scale, so using that as our criteria, I can’t identify a nation whose economy is stronger.