Anyone play guitar or drummmms?

i play

That’s it, I’m buying a new drumset tomorrow.

jae youve heard me play

jiggs what do you play, the skin trumpet?


god I miss JAWS

wow that was so funny. no i actually play the guitar

PM user 94gt5.0 as I know he still plays tummy sticks

In all seriousness Jiggs ain’t too bad. he’s got a decent setup too

jiggs '12

I am going to put my balls on your drumset


I know mike is making the new recon cd now as well.

yeah , fun times where had. . . and alot of miller lgt was drank

hmmm, that sneeky fuck ha

I played drums for 4 years in a local hardcore band, dressed in red. Weve played with guardian before, and save your breath…wayyy back in the day man. Im always down for jamming.

And i thought recon was dead, shit we played a buncha shows with them, they went on tour and i havent heard anything about them in atleast a year

Yeh RECON blew up i think Paul is the only original member left in the band. Tony plays with The Acacia Strain as far as everyone else. i have no clue.

well , mike has been playing with emmure for the past year or so. Recon hasnt played together for a while. But if mike is writing a new recon cd… im sure they will play a few shows here and there.

Chris roberts FTW.

ben playin geetar for 19 yers. play lots a other imstrunents too.